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It was still raining hard outside and you were inside Jimin's house, sitting on a big comfortable leather couch trying to decide on a movie. You and Jimin had an heart to heart talk and spent time getting to know each other more. You uncovered so many things about him and it was overwhelming. He is nothing like you expected, he is so much more and so much better. 

Earlier he even cooked for you. And the sight was just so mesmerizing. He also didn't fail to make fun of you when you said you don't know how to cook. He was laughing so beautifully and seeing him like that gave thousands of butterflies to your heart. Jimin walked in with a big bowl of popcorn and a bottle of coke in his hands. You smiled at him sweetly as he placed them in front of you. 

"So what are we watching?" he asked sitting next to you getting you excited.

"I don't know. I can't choose." you passed the remote to Jimin, letting him decide on a movie. You thought he would go for something X- rated and once again he surprised you by choosing a comedy movie. 

"After all those serious stuff, why don't we just have a good laugh." he smiled sweetly at you, making your heart flutter again.

After series of laughing and munching you noticed that there was no gap between you and Jimin. Somehow you both had gotten dangerously close. Jimin was so lost in the movie that he didn't even realized it. His hand was resting on his leg but his fingers were pressed against your bare thigh. You gulped and looked back up the TV ignoring your racing heart and the sudden heat you were feeling. Shit Y/n, get yourself together. Stop thinking about it

You slowly tried to move and create a gap but you froze holding your breath when Jimin burst out laughing and naturally placed his hand on your thigh. You watch him stiffen when his hand came in contact with your skin but he didn't move. Your stomach was twirling and twisting to his warm gentle touch. Your heart started pounding when his hand started to caress your skin. His touch made a shiver run down your spine. You both could feel the tension and the heat.

You were craving him and his touches, it was driving you crazy. Your breathing slowly got muddled up. Your throat went dry and you couldn't take it anymore. You quickly excused yourself and almost ran to his kitchen. You found yourself some water and drank it to quench your thirst. The water was not helping because it was something else you wanted. You wanted him but you were scared that you would loose the bond you are having with him. For gods sake y/n for once just let yourself go because sometimes will be no next time.. No second chance.. and No time out. Sometimes it is Now or Never. Stop overthinking everything!

You know what you want and you two have almost crossed line line many times but something was always in the way. You two had chemistry and you feel it but you were scared that Jimin was not feeling the same. Maybe it's all in your head y/n! Why would a guy like him want me? After going through all those useless thoughts, you let out a sigh and let your head fall low as you struggled to collect yourself together.

"Everything ok princess?" Jimin's low seductive voice next to your ear startled you. You froze as your breath hitched when you felt his hand gently travel down your arm to cover your hand with his. Bringing your hand up along with his, he placed them around your waist. He pressed his hard chest against your back as he hugged you tightly in his arms. 

"Hmm." you hummed unable to find words to speak. His hot minty breathing against your skin was driving you crazy. You gasped and closed your eyes when you felt his lips press against your skin just below your ear. You felt electricity grazing your skin. Breaking free from his grasp, You slowly turned to face him. 

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