~ 2.24 ~

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The beeping sounds of a machine and the stinging sensation on your hand made you uncomfortable as you were slowly waking up. Fluttering your eyes open, you were greeted by a white ceiling. You knew you were in a hospital but weirdly you didn't get the pungent smell of hospital disinfect. Instead your nostrils were filled by fresh sweet smell of scented candles. Also you noticed that you were not in an ordinary hospital bed. The one you were on was way too comfortable.

Blinking your eyes few times to get rid of the blurry vision, you lifted your head to see the surroundings. Your eyes widened to see yourself in a luxurious hospital room. Knowing whose doing is this, you groaned and rested your head back on the pillow.

Sighing you stared at the ceiling as your heart kick started. Jimin! A tear stung the corner of your eye as you were able to remember him. Not only that, finally you remembered everything. You have been waiting for this day eagerly and now you just wished that you didn't. You didn't know what to feel at the moment. There was too much anger and hurt in you.

You put two and two together and figured things out but what you didn't understand was what's Jimin doing. Last thing you remembered was that he was engaged to Aera. That pain is still fresh in your heart but you wondered why he was there in Singapore with you under a false identity. And what hurt the most was Jungkook's betrayal. 

 You did wanted answers to all of these and ask why they played with your vulnerability. But you were too scared. You feel emotionally and physically strained and you are not ready to face anything just yet. Plus you are too mad to face either one of them.

The door to the room opened startling you. You panicked a bit thinking that it was Jimin but to your relief it was just a nurse. "Oh ma'am you are finally awake. Let me call the doctor." She says with a bright smile and quickly goes out. It didn't even take two minutes the doctor and two other nurses entered in a rush as if they needed to attend you immediately.

"Ma'am it's so good to see you awake. May I  do some basic checks on you?" He asks for permission and you give a nod. The doctor gave a big smile and with the aid of the nurses he checked your vitals, temperature and some other few things.

"All seems to be good. How are you feeling now ma'am?" He asks and you frowned a bit because of the way they kept addressing you.

"Tired." You give a one word reply.

"I'm aware of your case and the conditions you are going through. Are you facing any difficulties remembering anything?"

"No. I remember everything now." You mumbled. "Everything came back before the black out." 

"That explains why it happened then. It's normal to feel tired. You just need some good rest. We can do some check ups later when you feel fit. Please take it easy and let us know if there is any kind of discomfort. These two well trained nurses are here to assist you." The doctor was being overly nice and it was all weird because you felt like they all were treating you like royalty or something. 

  "I'll inform Mr. Park about your condition. He will be happy about this." The doctor turned to one of the nurses and continued. "Where is her guardian? Please inform him as well." 

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