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First thing you saw when you woke up was Jimin's face. His arm was still wrapped around you and his face was close to yours. Your heart melt instantly because he was looking so cute like a baby. You had to blink few times again to see if you were seeing right. The sexy man who makes you weak with his sharp handsome face also have a adorable squishy face when sleeping. His plum lips were in a cute pout because his face was pressed against the pillow. 

What are you, Park Jimin? you asked yourself smiling at his beautiful fluffy face. Wanting to touch his face you raised your hand but stopped mid air. You were scared if it will be out of the line. You know that both of you agreed to be with each other but not romantically. At first you felt like you agreed to meaningless sex and thought you were crazy. But the sex you had even when you were in a relationship was all lies, meaningless and never satisfying. At least with Jimin if feels amazing and you feel special. He wants you, really wants you without any ulterior motive. And last night before going to sleep he took care of you and soothed you till you fell asleep as you were sore because of him.

"Good morning Princess." his voice snapped you out of your thoughts. He looked at your hand near his face then at you. 

"Good morning Jimin." you smiled as you tried to move your hand away but Jimin caught it and placed it on his cheek. Your eyes widened a little and your heart skipped a beat. He just saw right through you again. You moved your eyes to meet his and he was already staring at you.

"Don't ever hesitate to touch me. I told you, I belong to you so believe me." his morning husky voice made your heart flutter. His gaze was so soft and you could tell that he meant what he said. You gave a nod finally feeling at ease to caress his face. Jimin smiled so softly and closed his eyes to your touch. Just like you he was never loved or taken care of after his grandma. You could see the loneliness in him and the attention he crave. You realized that a part of him is just like you. Is this why I'm drawn to him? Is this why my heart wants him?  Suddenly your phone alarm started blasting interrupting the peaceful moment you were feeling. 

Jimin opened his eyes and looked at you feeling light. Your touch soothed him making his heart shiver. He loved the feeling and wanted to stay like that forever. But your alarm was making it impossible and so was work. 

"Let's go. We have a lot of work today and some meetings." He said touching your face. You gave a nod smiling as both of you were forced to get up to go to work.


The day passed with you buried in work. Since you were at Jimin's place so much work was needed to be taken care of. Jimin was also busy that both of you just kept working. Once in a while Jimin would look at you and when you catch him, he would smile sweetly making you blush. Your phone rang displaying Joy's name on the screen. Your brows furrowed wondering why would she call you.

"Hello?" you answered

"Hi y/n am I disturbing you?" she asked in a dull voice.

"Hey. No I was just finishing off work. Is everything ok?" you asked worried about her tone.

Fateful | Park Jimin 🔞Where stories live. Discover now