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"What is wrong with you? How many times should I repeat the same thing baby?" Jimin was exhausted and annoyed as he raised his voice at you. He is under so much pressure and you keep accusing him of so many things and kept fighting with him for the past few days.

"I don't know what to believe anymore Jimin." your words sting his heart. He don't know what's gotten into you, but he knows that being far away from you was not helping the situation right now.  Jimin sighed out loud in frustration.

"Can we do this another time please. I have so much to do and tomorrow is the big event. I need to prepare for it."

"Yeah sure.. go ahead. I'm sure you have so much to prepare, since you are very busy with Aera these days." You said being rude.

"Y/n." your name came out like a warning. You both remained silent as both of you were mad.

"You know what.. I'm done with all of this." You snapped out of the blue making Jimin's eyes wide. 

"What do you mean?" he asks in a deep serious voice.

"What I mean is.. I have had enough of this crap. I can't take it anymore." You hissed through your teeth. 

"Baby.. Just calm down. I'll come back in two days. Please just stay calm ok. I don't know what's happening with you right now, but just give me two days.. Please." Jimin said panicking. You remained silent again. You can clearly hear the frustration and pain in Jimin's voice and that ached your heart too.

"Two days?" you asked in an unsure voice.

"Yes, two days. I'll come to you right after the event tomorrow." He assured you making you instantly feel guilty again just like any other day after a fight.


"I promise My love. I promise. I'm dying to come back to you. You have no idea how hard it is for me to be here without you. I know for some reason you don't trust me. But that's ok.. I won't blame you. But please just wait for me." he says his voice getting softer, melting your heart. You are so weak for him and his love. Every time you doubt him, Jimin would always make you believe in him again. He really leaves no room for doubts. So you just had to wait for him to return. You realized fighting like this over the phone will do no good to anyone. 

"I will always wait for you Jimin, even if it takes forever." you say finally giving in as you stared at the photo of you and him on your lockscreen. 

"And I will always come Home to you, no matter what." he says finally sounding relieved. The silence that lingered between you two this time wasn't uncomfortable like before. You both were having a moment without any spoken words. Soon you heard your phone beeping and when you looked down he was requesting to switch to video.

"Come on babe. I need to see you, Please." he sounded too sweet and in real you were dying to see him too. With a frown fixed, you switched it to video. A smile automatically tugged your lips when you saw him pouting giving you his innocent puppy eyes. 

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