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Flipping through the channels you sigh out loudly, you were finding it hard to pick something that interest you enough to get your mind off the loneliness you are already feeling.  It's only been few hours since Jungkook left for Seoul and you are already missing him. 

It's the first time that you will be all alone in this big house for a while and the loneliness was much greater with him gone. Your eyes darted up at the clock and it was almost 10pm. Doing the calculation in your head, you picked up the phone and waited for Jungkook to call you as he had already landed.

You waited for another half an hour and your face finally lit up when your phone beeped. You quickly unlocked the screen and viewed the message.

My Kookie - Hey Precious.. I just landed. Are u still up?

You - Yes.. I was waiting for you. Are you on your way to the hotel?

My Kookie - Awe. No babe. The team and I will be having dinner together and then head to the stay. Go ahead and sleep now. I'll talk to you tomorrow. ❤

You - Ok. Good night ❤

You pouted feeling slightly disappointed that he didn't even call you. But you were relieved that he got there safe. Lazily you switched off the TV and then dragged yourself to the bed. While scrolling through the phone another message popped.

June - U are coming to work tomorrow right?

You - Yes.. This is the 3rd time u are asking me this.🙄

June - Just checking cuz someone is impatient. 🐥

You - 🤨

June - Nothing. Just missing u. We have a lot to talk as well.

You - That we do. What are u doing this late?

June- Practicing my skills.. there is a competition coming up. Did Jimmy contact u?

At the mention of his name you straightened up a little. You definitely felt a tug in your heart as well. You haven't talk to Jimin since that night. You really need to thank him for being there for you. The comfort he gave you was so warm that you felt your pain fading away.

You - No.. why?

June - Oh ok. He was just talking about u. I guess he missed u too.

He was talking about me? He missed me? Your cheeks flushed with light shade of pink, wondering what he was talking about you.

Fateful | Park Jimin 🔞Where stories live. Discover now