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Next morning as you were riding up the elevator alone, intimate moments you had with him in there replayed in your head. There was sexual tension between you both from the moment you met. At the beginning you didn't want to accept it. But now after being with him, You knew exactly what your body craved. You definitely are attracted to Jimin. And after sleeping with him, something triggered in you. Your body remembers every touch and every kiss. And your heart remembers the soul tearing gaze he had on you. You were totally captivated by Park Jimin.

You squeezed your thighs together thinking of him. What the fuck y/n! Snap out of it! You scolded yourself and got your shit together. No matter how much you think about it and get turned on. It was only a one time deal. You had your fill, you were pleasured and given an unforgettable night by Park Jimin. He wouldn't want you or keep you. Besides you were not ready for another commitment, at least not till you truly fall in love.

Feeling nervous you slowly slipped inside the office. Thankfully he was not in yet. You really didn't know how to face him or what to do. It was awkward to look at him without picturing him naked after seeing what he was hiding underneath all of those clothes. All you thought was that you needed to keep your distance if you don't want to be fired.

After few minutes Jimin suddenly entered the office. Your heart jumped and you quickly grabbed your desk phone and pretended to be on a call. You looked up at him and gave a small smile as you fake talked to no one. Thankfully he didn't notice it and just walked pass you. And then you kept on the act and pretended to be really busy on urgent cases. 

Throughout the day you did your best to avoid him. Everything was going well till he called you over. You slowly got up and took light nervous steps towards him looking down. You stood opposite to his desk so that it could be the barrier between you and him. Jimin slowly looked up from the file with an annoyed gaze.

"Come here." he ordered gesturing the spot next to him with his head. Mentally heaving a sigh you went and stood next to him.

Jimin turned to you in his large black leather chair and eyed you curiously. Unintentionally you gulped when he was man spreading in front of you. It was hard for you to look at him so you kept your eyes on the floor.

Suddenly he grabs your wrist to turn you around and pull you down to make you sit on his lap. Everything happened so fast that you gasped and looked around with wide eyes. He wrapped his hands around your waist and held you down tightly against him.

"J-Jimin. What are you doing?" you asked panicking.

"What are you doing?" he asked, his hot breath fanning your ear and then all of this played like a Deja vu. You both had a similar incident few months back. But this time it was different.

"What do you mean?" you asked closing your eyes feeling his lips press a trail of kisses down your neck starting from your jaw.

"You were avoiding me all this time, weren't you?" he asked in between the teasing kisses he was leaving making you want to moan out in pleasure.

"I-It's all in your head." you shuddered when you felt his hand trace up your arm and then slowly tug on the zipper at the back of your dress.

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