~ 2.27 ~

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The day was postcard perfect as the morning golden sun shined in the blue sky. The traffic was less and the streets were busy. Everything looked perfect as you sat next to your boyfriend in his car. But on the inside you felt a little nervous because he was taking you to Busan to meet his parents. 

Jimin gave you a side way glance to see if you are ok because you have been quiet ever since you both hit the road. He could feel your tensed posture so he moved his hand from your thigh to take your hand in his. "Baby don't worry..just relax." Jimin spoke softly to calm you down and squeezed your hand in assurance.

"I can't. What if they don't like me." You say to him but he just smiles.

"Baby, they already like you a lot. You have already met my dad few times. You know how fond he is of you." He says to assure you.

"But that was all business and that was years back. What if they hate me now after putting you through this much. What if your mom scolds me or something." You say in a squeaky voice as you were overthinking things and playing out bad scenarios in your head. Jimin couldn't help but chuckle softly as you were being cute.

"Baby trust me. They are excited to finally meet you. Specially mom. And don't think like that. It was never your fault. You don't have to be scared or worried about anything. Besides you will love my mom." He smiles and once you give a nod believing him, he raises your hand to his lips to place a gentle kiss. 

Its only been a month since you and Jimin got back together and he is already taking you to spend the weekend with his family. It's not that you are complaining, you really felt special  and loved. It's just that you never had parental care so you weren't sure what to expect and how to behave. You are going their as his girlfriend, not as his PA. When you told him about your concern, he just smiled and told you to be yourself.

After hours of driving, Jimin finally stopped the car in front of his Busan house. A smile spread your lips along with a fluttering feeling in your heart seeing the house which held so many memories of you and him. Since Jimin took over everything in Seoul their parents moved back to their home in Busan to live their retirement in peace. 

Jimin got down from the car and jogged around to open the door for you. He helped you out. "Ready?" He asks and letting out a nervous breath, you give a nod.  He gives you a quick comforting peck and holds your hand before walking to the door. Before even Jimin rang the bell, the door flew open and a very happy looking lady came into the view.


She exclaimed in her sweet and melodic voice and hugs Jimin. No doubt that it's his mother, you failed to recognized her immediately because she looks much more beautiful in real than in the pictures Jimin had shown you years back. Jimin scrunched his little nose as his eyes turned into crescents when his mother called him by a nickname. He did seem embarrassed but you see the warmth spreading on his lips and in his eyes at the sight of his mother. He doesn't hesitate, calling out to her as he returned the loving hug. 

"Were you waiting by the door?" Jimin asks her, obviously noticing how excited she's been to see her son after a couple of months ever since he came back from Singapore. 

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