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June panicked seeing Jungkook at the door of the café. No matter how much she hated the situation she didn't want Jungkook to see her friend in another man's arms like that. She didn't know what's happening but she knew that she needed to get Jungkook away from here and save her friend.

"J-Jungkook.. W-what are you doing here?" June stuttered as she quickly got outside closing the door behind her. 

"Hey June.. Came to pick Y/n of course." He replies with a smile.

"Uh.. well she is not here. I think she went out to buy some stuff." June blurted out without thinking much.

"Oh ok. That's fine. I'll wait inside the café for her then." 

"Wait No!" June jumped in front of Jungkook, making him look at her with confused wide eyes.

"I mean.. You can wait in my shop as she will be coming there straight and also I need someone tall to help me with some boxes. Do you mind helping me?" June asked fast with an unsteady voice as she was nervous.

Jungkook blinked few times trying to register what she was saying and then finally agreed since he had to wait anyways. 

"Uh.. sure." 

"Great. Now hurry." June pinched the corner of his shirt near the elbow and hurriedly dragged him to her shop. 

Jungkook always found June different and weird as she seems so overly cheerful and overly jumpy. Complete opposite to you, so he always wondered how you two got along so well. The only time Jungkook ever saw you this cheerful and positive was when you were in your teens. You had your reasons to change and close yourself up. But that never changed the special bond he shared with you. Things have changed now and he hopes for the better.. but still he misses the old you and him a lot. He miss what he had with you. It was special and different. No secrets.. No lies.. just love, trust and closeness. 

"There.. help me get those boxes down from the top shelf." June pointed out to the fertilizer boxes that Alex stacked up earlier while complaining. Oh God! he is going to kill me tomorrow for getting them down again. 

"Ok.." Jungkook looked at the tall shelf which was even beyond his reach and then around the shop. "Do you have a ladder or a chair I could use?" He asked.

"Oh yeah. You can't reach it too. What was I thinking." June was too busy freaking out that even she didn't know what was she saying. Jungkook raised a brow confused and that made June to blabber some more.

"I mean.. I didn't mean that you are short. Because you are not. You are freaking tall.. I mean you are taller than me.. haha.. Well what I meant was.. I mean yeah you need something." June looked around not even remembering what Alex used to put them up. "Oh look.. you can use this... this is our mini ladder. A strong one... so you won't fall for sure." June impulsively dragged the mini step ladder in front of them. And looked around thinking what she should do next.

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