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Tilting your head to the side, you looked at the man who called your name approaching you.

"Y/n.. It is you." He says smiling wide as he stood in front of you.

"Wow.. never thought I would find you here in Singapore after leaving Park like that." He continued and you looked at him with a very confused expression. One you didn't know who he was and two you didn't understand what he was talking about. When you turned to look at June, You saw her hurriedly typing a text to someone. 

"I'm sorry.. but who are you?" You ask looking back at him. The man slightly did look offended but he acted normal.

"Y/n I'm disappointed. How can you forget me that easily? Did you forget Park this easily too?" He asks.

"Park?" You questioned.

"Poor guy had been searching for you like a mad dog for years and you have been hiding here all along." You frowned as if you didn't like this guy. Searching? Hiding? What is he even saying. You looked at him as if he was crazy and doubted if you even knew him well. But before you could say anything June grabbed your hand and got in front of you.

"Look here Mister. I think you got the wrong person here. We don't know any Park or whatever you are saying. So please excuse us." She tugged on to your hand and pulled you to walk with her.

"Oh my bad.. I should've been more precise instead of just using the surname. I hope Park Ji-"

"Mr. Wang. What are you doing here?" Another male voice cut off the guy. You and June turned to see Lee speaking to him.

"Lee? What are you doing here?" He asks in surprise.

"Mr. Wang.. Please come with me. It's a bit urgent. Boss needs to talk to you." While Lee was speaking to Wang, he slowly looked at June and signaled her to leave with you. Noticing it, June quickly took your hand and walked out of there fast as possible. 

"June... wait! What was that all about? who was that guy?" You ask in confusion as you stopped your friend.

"No idea. Come on.. we got to hurry before the snack bar closes down." June says pulling you as if she was in a hurry to go there. Seeing how eager she was to go eat junk, you just followed her while questioning.

"Who could it be.. he knew my name June. And what was that about Park.. and other things he spoke about." You questioned as it made you curious.

"Y/n.. I'm sure he must have made a mistake. And by the way he spoke to you, I don't think you would have been friends with him. So lets not overthink about it ok. Besides Lee seemed to know this man, So why don't we ask Lee tomorrow." She said smiling at you.

"Hmm.. you are right. Lets do that then."

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