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You stared at the phone feeling a warmth in your heart. You didn't know who called you but who ever it was, you felt something in your heart when you heard soft muffled breathing. It was weird but also strangely comforting. Y/N I think you are losing your sanity! Shaking your head, you dropped a message to June telling her that you were still at the café waiting for Jungkook. Right now all you wanted was someone you could talk to. 

Seeing your message, June took out her umbrella and stepped out of the shop to go to you. Before entering the café, June stopped in her tracks when she thought she saw someone staring at the café. When she looked properly she saw that it was Jimin. What is he doing? Is he crying? What is he staring at so painfully? Squinting her eyes, June followed his gaze to see you by the window crying your eyes out as well. What is going on? Why is Jimmy looking at you like that? June's brows raised in confusion.

Even though her curiosity peeked, you needed her right now. Seeing you crying she wanted to go to you first. Giving a last glance at Jimin she entered the café. Seeing her coming, You quickly wiped your tears with your sleeve and pulled the chair out next to you for her.

"Hey, what's wrong?" June approached you gently with a soothing voice and took your hands in hers as she took a seat. You didn't answer her immediately and she didn't rush you as well. She waited for you. June's eyes travelled down to your diary and saw that you have written things. She instantly knew this was something to do with your confusion and memories. 

"S-something is not right June. Something is terribly wrong and I don't know what it is." You finally say feeling ready to open up to your friend. June always gave you comfort and she is like the sister you wish you had. That's how warm you feel around her. 

"What do you mean? Is it about Jungkook again... or your past memories?" she asked calmly. Her heart saddened seeing you wipe away another falling tear.

"I-I feel so lost, June. I feel like I'm forgetting something important. My heart is acting out these days in a weird way.. and I keep having dreams of that man. They are very happy dreams June. I was happy with him."

"Him? Are you saying that he is not Jungkook?" June asks making you lower your eyes and sigh.

"I don't know June. I can't see his face in my dreams and when I ask things from Jungkook, he gets all tensed up. Lately he has been avoiding me. So I decided to stop asking him things. And I think the work stress and dealing with Jimmy messed up my head more." You say rubbing your forehead. 

"Jimmy?" June wondered why would you be bothered by him. She slowly looked up to where she saw Jimin earlier, to her surprise the car was gone. He was no longer there.

"Yeah. Ever since he showed up my frustration level just went over my head. It's not his fault that he doesn't understand these things but I don't know why I get agitated when he is around. And I keep venting my anger on him whenever he does a mistake. Something about him triggers me and guess what.. I got so angry today that I yelled at him calling him Park Jimin. And I don't even know who that is or where that name came from. I have no memory of hearing that name before. But that name is strangely aching my heart... And you should have seen the way Jimmy looked at me. It looked like I hurt him or something." You sigh grabbing handful of hair into a fist. 

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