~ 2.16 ~

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The cold air seeping through the layer of the blanket made Jimin wake up with a little shiver running down his body. The less layers of clothing and the thin walls of the small house wasn't helping them with the rainy season. He blinked few times and opened his eyes, it was not that dark anymore as it was dawn. No wonder it's freaking cold! Jimin sighed softly but he felt well rested after a long time. He slept well knowing that you are next to him. 

He turned to see you curled up like a ball because of the cold. The blanket was only half covering you as you whimpered a little. With a smile touching his lips, he reached forward to take your blanket and cover you properly. 

Feeling the warmth radiating from him, unconsciously you moved your body towards him, seeking more warmth. Jimin stiffened a little not sure how to react to this. With all his heart he wants to pull you towards him and tuck in his arms but he was scared that you would throw a fit. He didn't want to make a move but you made it hard as you snuggled into his chest.

Jimin's heart kick started and started pounding hard against his chest as you let out a satisfied hum and throw your arm around his waist. He was melting on the inside remembering the familiar feeling of sleeping in your arms. You still smelled the same and felt the same. Suddenly the emotions were overpowering him and he was close to tearing up. But as soon as you shuddered a little, he didn't hesitate to wrap his arm around you and tuck you in his warm embrace. 

Resting his chin on top of your head, he held you closer to him. Listening to your soft breathing against his chest, he let his mind wonder as he is unable to sleep again. Sometimes he wonder what the hell is he even doing without grabbing you and running away. Sometimes it's hard for him to play this game of pretend. Sometimes he just wants to tell you the truth and force everything into you but.. The big BUT is that he didn't want to risk your mental condition. He saw the pain you went through at that small trigger, his heart dropped and fear crept through him to see you like that.

The only thing he can be happy about all of this drama is that he gets to be close to you, and now without doubt he knows that you are falling for him. Jimin knows it's not going to be easy because you will be in denial and then you will be stubborn as fuck about it. That's what made him go crazy for you in the beginning. You were never easy and you always put up a fight. So he expects nothing less even now. 


You could feel the sun light streaming through the window and the cold air grazing your toes which are slightly out of the blanket. You smiled sleepily as you heard the birds singing. Even though you slept on the floor, you feel like you had the best sleep ever. Specially wrapped in a warm arms with the familiar sweet masculine smell that intoxicates you. Feeling happy you snuggled more and tightened your arms around the comfortable warm man. WAIT!!  MAN!!!

You stiffened suddenly as realization hit you. You were squeezing a person to you and very well you knew who it was. Gasping, you quickly removed your hand and shot opened your eyes to see your face just centimeters away from Jimin's chest. Moving back you looked up at Jimin and thankfully he was asleep. You let out a relieved sigh and tried to move further away but you were trapped with his arms around you. 

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