45:𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐛𝐢𝐠 𝟑

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ahaha I'm back with a chapter thats a bit longer this time😩💦

You were walking down the long hallways of UA again, It was quiet until you heard familiar laughing coming from nearby. It abruptly stopped for a few seconds. "Actually, Every one of us passed! We've pulled ahead of you, bigshots!" It was Monoma of course.

You slowly backed behind a wall and peeked your head out. "We'll have classes together this semester, Doesn't it sound like it will be fun? I'm looking forward to it!" Monoma whispered something into Pony's ear, "Touch me and I'll pummel you till your momma doesn't know ya!"

You slap a hand over your mouth to keep yourself from laughing. "Hey, We're trying to get through back here." You turn your head to see Shinso! You both make eye contact for a quick second until he looked away with a light red on his cheeks. As he was walking by, You notice that he looks a bit different from the last time you saw him. He definitely got more muscular and his hair was extra fluffy. "You guys are so uncool.." Ouch.


"Hi there! It's the adorable small mammal you all know and love, The principal! You may have noticed that the fur I'm so proud of has deteriorated in quality, I haven't been taking care of it." He continued rambling about hair and how having a terrible sleeping schedule will worsen it?? I have no clue.

"In particular, this will be most apparent to those of you studying in the hero course. You must do extracurricular activities like the hero work studies available to second and third years." You already had enough stress on your shoulders and extra classes would be a pain, But you wanted to be a hero so you had to do what you had to do. 🤷🏻‍♀️

"Now we'll hear from the extracurricular guidance teacher, Please give Mr. Hounddog your attention." You watched as he gripped the microphone and brought it near his snout. "Yesterday..." He started to growl then full on holler onto it, You couldn't really tell but from the looks of it, He looked angry. He ended his very amazing speech that everyone totally understood with a loud howl. "As you just heard, There were students fighting last night, Let's just all be respectful moving forward. That's it, Back to your classrooms starting with the third years."

'Well that was uhm something..' You sigh rub your forehead.


Classes were way slower than usual which sucked, you could barely keep your eyes open. You just skip visiting everyone at the dorms so you could just stay your bed. It was tiring day for everyone so you thought they would understand. You were woken up by your phone buzzing, It had only been about 2 hours since school ended..


@dummythiccy/n are you alright? You didn't visit us today :(

nO. its actually kinda quiet for fucking once

stfu bakugo pls choke lol

@dummythiccy/n VISIT USS!! ITS LONELY HERE!!! 😞🤚🏼



AlienBitch and dawg are offline!

should we stop them? I feel like someone is gonna die if we dont..

nah she knew what would happen

@dummythiccy/n HURRY UPPP

[Sends a video of mina getting chased by bakugo and tripping but sero moves too damn much and you cant fucking see anything]

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