42: 𝐁𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐞? 😳

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You flew over all of the debris, You saw Shindo and a few others hiding. He had a creepy sadistic look on his face. 'Hell naw i'm going back' You fly back just to see Bakugo turn into that mush, He looked disgusting and kinda like a weird furby. "Go Denki go!" You chirp. He threw a little grenade then shot a bolt of electricity at the guy. Bakugo and Kirishima started to move and they looked even more gross. "AHAHAH YOU 2 LOOKED SO GROSS!!!" "SHUT UPP" "Why didn't you help?!! I thought we were friends!!🤧" Kirishima whined.

"Heyyy we ARE friends! Denki looked super badass and I let him have his ✨ moment ✨" *Jazz wings* "ACTUALLY?!! CAN I HAVE A HUG?!" Denki had his arms out. "ew hell no." "HAHAH LOSER!!" Bakugo snickered. Denki slowly put his arms down and he looked very disappointed. "Naww I'm jus playin' wih yhu my G. Gettcho fine ahh ova here 🥶💯" You shift and he jumps onto you. "Daym your hair is fluffy" You pat his head.

"After you guys beat those peoples asses, Lets go back." "Alright!"


You were a crow again, Instead of flying you were on Kirishima's shoulder. "Woah, This entire arena is going insane!" He said while looking around. "Hey look some of our classmates!" Denki pointed over to Izuku, Ochaco, and Iida. "Class 1-A Class 1-A Class 1-A!!!"

You were clamping your little bird feet on Kirishima's shoulder for your LIFE, Until you saw Izuku staring at the 4 so you stay on his shoulder instead

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You were clamping your little bird feet on Kirishima's shoulder for your LIFE, Until you saw Izuku staring at the 4 so you stay on his shoulder instead. "So you passed too..Wonder how that happened." Bakugo rolled his eyes. "Don't be mean to him you bitch." "Whatever."


"Oh what a relief! I was starting to get worried!" Momo said while holding immaculate dumplings. You look around a bit, Not many from 1-A were in here. "I thought more people would be here already." You jump off and shift to eat whatever you could find. "8 people have passed at the same time, 10 spots left." "Yikes, I wanna go help but this food is hella good." You stuffed a dumpling into your mouth.

Aoyama blasted his laser into the sky, Making him a target for many people.Just as they were about to attack, Pigeons began swarming around. "Pigeons..? Imma head out to see whats up." "Wait-" You shift into a pigeon, got that bread,then that head and left. "Aoyama get up! Theres less than 10 spots left ya know?Go get some people out!" You flap your wings.

"The last spot has been filled!! 100 students will advance!!" You shift back. "I feel like a proud mother..GIVE YOUR MOMMA A HUG RN" Everyone basically leaped onto you, Bakugo and Shoto hesitantly came over into the hug after a bit. It was nice n all until you felt a squeeze on your boobie, Your eyes shot wide open to see who the culprit was. "ISTG who's giving my boob a squeeze rn? When I find who it is I will sock the living shit outta you."

The culprits hand quickly retracted back. "Thats what I thought."


The rescue part of the exam. Pretty easy, no biggie. Thats where you help Gang Orca!

"Y/n L/n head to the back."

You quickly sprint away to the little spot where him and his crew or whatever hide. "Ah L/n, Good to see you. I assume you know what to do?" Orca asks. "I just know that I get to fight people." "Hm, Wear this collar and pretend that I'm controlling you. Don't do too much damage to anyone or anything, and make sure no one can take the collar off." "I can definitely do that, Wheres the collar?"

He puts a basic black leather collar with a blinking red dot on it around your neck. "Can you explain your quirk once more?" "It's just shapeshifting, I can turn into anything and or everyone." You shift into AllMight then back. "See? I just get dizzy or a headache if I shift too much." "Interesting."


The buildings and everything from the field were blown up, Debris and broken stuff were everywhere. The announcer explained that the Help Us Company or H.U.C for short, will be dressed up as injured bystanders and that the 100 students will have to rescue them. They will be given points and whatever they do wrong, The people will remove points. Simple as that.


You were playing Minecraft with one of the other guys to waste time, It had been about 15 minutes and you were already tired of waiting. "Dude theres a ravine over there!" You tried to mine the iron which was a bit too far away and you fall. 😀 "STOP DYIN- WHERE EVEN ARE YOU?" "I DONT KNOW-AAH A CREEPER" "HEY DONT BRING IT NEAR ME WHAT THE HELL?!" "HAHAH I SEE YOU"

"Both of you, Shut up. We're leaving soon." Orca said, He sounded very irritated. "Sorry.." You both said at the same time. "JINX" "JINX AGAIN" "PPTTFF" "You're super cool dude, Gimme your number rn" You switch phones with him and put your numbers in. "I never got your name too, Im Y/n." "Ryuu!" "Wanna fight people together?!" "Really!? Sure!!"

"Wait wait, Quirk?" "Uhm I can turn any of my body parts into a blade..Like Soul from SoulEater!" He makes his arm into a curved blade."Is that a sythe blade?!I have a sythe!" You pull yours out and spin it around. "Double trouble..!!" "Mhm!"

"Line up.Now." "Yes sir!" You both fist bump and get into the line. 😎🤜🏼🤛🏼😎


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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 ( BNHA x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now