40: 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐫𝐭

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Lets pretend Shindo not dating the turtle in this universe  >:)

"You're my favorite person to tease future husband! Over here everyone!This is UA!" Joke looked behind her and her class were walking towards where we were. "Oh woah, Its really class 1-A!" The Izuku look-alike said. "Second years from Ketsubutsu Academy, This is class 2 and they're my students." "Other second years? Oooh!" You scan everyones faces, There was a tired looking boy with long black hair, A girl with spiky ash-blonde hair, A blue robot dude, and the look-alike in the front.

The look-alike quickly grabbed your hands. "Hey Im Shindo! Seems like UA has had alot of trouble this year, Must of been tough for you!" He grabbed a few other peoples hands and sparkled. "The pretty boy is gonna steal our girls.." Denki mumbled, You snicker and pat his shoulder. "Probably, He is really pretty now that you mention it." "PLEASE DONT LEAVE US FOR HIM!!!" Denki begged. "No promises." "WHAT?" "Chillax..You're too loud."

Shindo looked confused at first but then chuckled. You wipe a tear from your cheek and put a hand on your chest, "Even his laugh is pretty..I cant-"  Shindo got flustered and started talking to Bakugo. He put his hand out but Bakugo slapped it away. "Stop pretending, What you say doesn't match the look in your eyes." Shindo had that shadow look over his eyes. "We gotta go, See you soon Shindo and your classmates.Oh and Im Y/n!" You wave. "Bye Y/n and other people!"

"Everyone put on your costumes and head to the orientation room, Y/n I need to tell you a few things." "Yes sir." "GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!!" "Y/n come here." "Whacha need?" "Since you already got your license last year, Me and some other pros thought you participating in the rescue part with Gang Orca. He'll call you back and tell you what to do, You also can't say no." "Really?! So double licenses?" "No, You're just participating." "Awee so no ball throwing?" "No. Just rescue. Now shut up and change into your costume." You roll your eyes and run to the class.

heart❤️ been broke💔🤕 so many times⏰ i don't know❌🤷‍♀️ what to believe 🍃🙏 yeah👍 mama🤰say it's my👧😣fault🥺😢 my fault😭😞 i wear my heart💝 on my sleeve👕


You sat infront of the 2 pro teachers, Joke kept teasing Aizawa and you had to hold in your laugh a few times. "Hahaha!!Please date me." "Shut up." "PFFTT" From where you 3 were, You were pretty far away and couldn't really see what was happening so you shift into Hatsume and zoomed in. Izuku kicked a ball and multiple balls around him flew back from his kick.

Tokoyami used his special and Dark Shadow tried grabbing the turtle girl but half of her body went inside of her? "What kind of quirk does that girl have? It's like super dumb." "Which girl?" "The one in your class with the spiky hair and sharp teeth." Joke whacked the back of your head. "Her name is Tatami and her quirk is telescopic. Its not dumb at all!!" "Yeah yeah keep telling yourself that..Whats Shindo's quirk?" "Vibration!" 'Ouuh ahaha say less😏'

He made the ground break into pieces and the class flew everywhere, separating. Everyone in the city part had their balls taken 🤧. They were sucked into a whirlwind, Inasa brought all the balls down. The balls hit 120 people's sensors and he passed. "WAAA??! 120 PEOPLE HAVE BEEN TAKEN DOWN WITH 1 SINGLE ATTACK?!!?IM SO SURPRISED THAT IM ACTUALLY AWAKE!!!" The announcer yelled. "120 people?!"


Izuku was fighting a girl from Shiketsu until more people showed up, He kept dodging and dodging. "Are you okay?! Over here!!" Izuku looked up to see... You?? Why were you there? He thought you already took the exams.. Someone from another school shot water at where you were standing and you fell off the rock you were on. "Watch where you're shooting!!" You yell. Izuku's eyes widened, He lunges forward to catch you in bridal style. He started running away to hide behind a huge rock.

"Thanks!!I really messed up back there.." You say. Izuku was looking out from behind the rock and you slowly move your hand towards Izuku's sensor with a ball in your hand. Before they could touch, he slapped your hand away. "Let me guess..You're someone from Shiketsu." You looked confused. "Im a what now??" "You're not the Y/n I know, Who are you?!" He backed up.

"If you saved me even though you knew I was a fake...Does 𝕥ꫝꪖ𝕥 ꪑꫀꪖꪀ ꪗꪮꪊ ᭙ꫀ𝕣ꫀ 𝕥𝕣ꪗⅈꪀᧁ 𝕥ꪮ ꪊડꫀ ꪑꫀ ડꪮꪑꫀꫝꪮ᭙..?" You melted away onto the ground to reveal the girl from earlier. Sero and Ochaco appeared in time, The girl ran off. "You guys are the real you, right..?" "Huh? What does that mean?" "Well earlier that girl transformed into Y/n's clone.." The 2 paused then their faces exploded into a blush and blood dripped down their noses😌. Sero shook Izuku's shoulders. "WAS SHE NAKED THEN TOO MIDORIYA?!?TELL ME NOW!!! DETAILS PLEASE???"

Ochaco just froze at the thought. 'Nono! I can't think about that! Im not a pervert!I respect women!'

 'Nono! I can't think about that! Im not a pervert!I respect women!'

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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 ( BNHA x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now