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Tetsutetsu popped up and said something idek.

"These people dont matter" 'huh' "The only thing thats important is that i beat them" "HEY IM COMING FOR YOU" Kirishima clenched his fist "I hate that that was such a manly exit.." 'What?'

You walk up to Izuku, "Izukuu! When do ya wanna come over to my house and train?" A lot of people looked at the both of you. He turned red and started to stutter. 'Oh geez..' "I-I u-uh... T-t-tomorrow..?"

"Okay! Ill text you what time im free at." Ashido jumped onto your back. "Y/nnn can I come too??" Yalls faces were super close and your cheeks started getting hot. "Woahh uh.. Sure i guess if youre free.." "HELL YEA!!" She jumped off of your back and started to brag to the other boys.. Even more people started asking to train with you, You didnt mind but it was a lot.


You were walking out of the school with the Bakusquad, Spilling tea to eachother about old classmates. "Y/n Can we come over too?" You look over to Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero. "Uhm sure..Put your numbers into my phone first."

Sero snatched the phone outta your hand and put his number in, Then Kaminari, Ashido, Kirishima, Ans surprisingly Bakugo. You got close to your neighborhood. "Aight, Imma head out. See you guys laterrr" They all yelled goodbye except for Bakugo.


You woke up at 5 in the damn morning to train with some peeps. You open your phone to see 52 messages.'Jesus christ..' A lot of them were just "Hey Y/n its _____!". You started to regret agreeing to train everyone.. 30+ goddamn people to train in a span of 2 fuckin weeks. You quickly reply to all of the messages before showering.

After getting dressed in:

After getting dressed in:

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You get another message.


Heya Izuku!

You can come over at 5:45 but

I gotta train other people so training might

be a bit short.

[Insert address]

Izukubb: Alright! See ya

3rd POV:

You were watching tv and drinking tea, waiting for Izuku to show up.


You open the door to see him wearing some training clothes. "Come in!"

Your house was big, well for someone who lived alone

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Your house was big, well for someone who lived alone. You didnt care though, You had a lot of privacy and you could basically do whatever you wanted in there. He came inside ( ͡ʘ ͜ʖ ͡ʘ). "We're going to the backyard, Its fine" He shyly nods and follows you through your house. You open your backyard door and walk outside. Izuku walks out to see a huge ass backyard and a pool.

"Okay, First lets start on your reflexes!" You get into a fighting stance and so does he. You sprint at him, He tries punching you but you easily dodge and jab his side. After a few more rounds, It was obvious that he had okay reflexes.

You teach him some techniques for punching using OFA without snapping his bones and more, then had a few more rounds.He was panting and sweating quite a bit. "Youre learning alot faster than i thought! Your reflexes are getting faster too, But your time with me is almost over." He asks if you could train him some more and of course you say yes, I mean who wouldnt?

Ashido, Kaminari, Sero POV:

"Is that the house? The grey one?" Ashido looks at her phone. "I think so! Im excited!" She runs up to the door and rings the doorbell 5 times. "Mina you couldve just rung it once.." Y/n opened the door. "Heyy! Come in and follow me to the backyard." We all nod and follow behind, checking out her house. "Her house is like super nice.." Mina mutters.

3rd POV:

"WOAH YOU HAVE A POOL?!?" You sweatdrop. "Yes..Yes I do." You have them all spar with you at once, 1 vs 3. You won obviously. "You guys suck more than I thought hah." They all groan. You then teach all of them some hand & hand combat. Time was now 7:55 and they had to leave. This was alot harder than you thought and its only been like 2 hours or something. Sooo you go back outside and scream. Luv that. Next was Kirishima and Bakugo.

Im too lazy to write about training the others sooo ill just put a huge timeskip ;)

Im too lazy to write about training the others sooo ill just put a huge timeskip ;)

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