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"Isn't that strange? The heroes are becoming the bad guys! Seems like they aren't dealing with this very well. Dabi let them both go." "You know they'll just fight.." "Maybe..But like can you take this collar off? Its like super uncomfortable." You whine. "It's fine, We're recruiting them and we should treat them as equals."

"Hey Twice you do Bakugo and I do Y/n." "Kinky." "Y/n shut up,stop being horny." "No ❤️. You really shouldn't be talking, Ive seen those mangas you've been reading,Bakuhoe." He turned red. "THE COVERS LOOKED COOL OKAY?! YOU SHOULDN'T BE TALKING EITHER, YOU WATCH HENTA-" "Hentai? What do you watch 😳" Compress looked slightly interested. *gasp* "I REALLY LIKE THE ONES WHERE-" "Can you just shut up and unlock everything. No one gives a damn about your hentai." Shigaraki looked irritated.

"Alright alright.." Twice went over to Bakugo and Dabi walked over to you. 'Damnn he kinda cute tho..' "Okay not gonna lie you kinda cute." "huh 😀" 

Bakugo jumped up and exploded the hand offa Shigarakis face and you shoved Dabi away.


The one ogre lookin mf kept asking questions to make UA look terrible. (idk if that made sense but eh) "I take full responsibility. If the villains think they have a chance with the two, They're mistaken." "I didnt ask how you feel, I asked if you had concrete information."


"Didya hear that? We'll never join this stupid league." Both of you guys got in a fighting stance. Pow pow. "Can I stab them?" "Im tired of being surrounded by lame-ass wannabes!!" Shigaraki picked up the hand and put it back onto his face. 'ew..' "I wished you would've listened to what I had to say, I thought you and I could come to an understanding.."

"You think we're the same?! Puh-lease!Do me a favor and shove a stick up your ass." You roll your eyes.


"The villain hasn't left this location for the past day, but thats all we know. They could have Bakugo and Y/n somewhere else."

The 5 went behind a wall and looked through one of the windows with a night-vision camera, There they saw the Nomu maker thing.


Y/n POV:

"Master? I thought you were the boss around here but you're just a sidekick." "Kurogiri, Compress, its time to put them back to sleep." "If you want us to listen, Then get on your knees and beg!" 'Eye-' 😏🤏🏼

*knock knock*

"Pizza delivery." "Oh actually?" I ask. Nope it wasn't pizza, It was AllMight and some other heroes! A bit disappointing but I'll take it. Kamui imprisoned them in his wood ;). Dabi tried burning it but he got kicked in the face by Torino. "Ah you must have been scared but you stayed strong.I'm sorry but you're both safe now." AllMight said. "Are you sure?" You ask giving him that look while having your pointer and thumb fingers almost touch. He nods.👍🏼

"KUROGIRI WARP OVER AS MANY AS YOU CAN" Shigaraki screams. "This is not over! The game is still mine!GO AWAY THIS IS YOUR FAULT!!!" Nomus started coming out of these muddy portals. "What is happenin-" *Puking noises* "WHAT IS THIS!?!" Black muddy stuff kept coming out of my mouth. I grab Katsuki's shoulder and poof, it teleported both of us somewhere else. "BAKUGO, Y/N"

AllMight tried grabbing us but we gone✌🏼, Right after that, The rest of the league left.


"Ow!" I fall onto the ground, coughing. Katsuki was standing up but he was wiping his mouth. When he noticed you he actually helped you up. 😳

'Y/n and Bakugo!'

"Apologies Bakugo and L/n." The rest of the villains fall out of the portals, Some complain because of the smell. AllMight comes down from the sky and punches AFO but he just grabs his fist. "That dude is stronger than I thought.."

"Ill have you return my students AFO!" The punch was so powerful, Everybody flew backwards. I quickly got up and ran over to Katsuki, pulling him up.

"I will take Young Bakugo and Young Y/n back, And i will make sure you're locked up for the rest of your sad life!" AllMight tried punching again but AFO blew him back pretty far, he crashed into buildings having them collapse. 'What would happen if I shift into a rifle and have Katsuki shoot the man..Hm.' "Leave this place Tomura, Take the boy and girl with you too."

"Ohoho this will be fun!" I shift into Quetzalcoatlus, They're basically giraffes that can fly. They look super stupid but I gotta do what I gotta do. I was about 2-3 times taller than everyone, I could just wack them with my beak or something. Katsuki was doing okay, Not as well as me though. 😎

Since I was so tall, I got to see over buildings and debris. I look around a bit to see green and red hair, They both seemed to be looking at me so I nod. "Katsuki behind you!" "Got it." AllMight was having alot of trouble now, I thought about what I could do. Throw a block of cement at his head?Maybe stomp on him? hm. Toga has been trying to stab you for a while, She sucked. Same with Spinner and Twice.  Pftt amateurs.

  Pftt amateurs

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