2: 𝐁𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐥𝐞!

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You were checking your phone while walking out to meet All Might like he said. "Hey Allmight, Hows Midoriya doing so far? Still snapping his bones in half?" Allmight sweatdropped."Uh yes, But he is getting the hang of it.."

Right after he said that everyone started to come out of the tunnel. Minetas looked super ugly, You couldn't help but laugh a bit. I mean who wouldn't? Dude looks like a whole goddamn fetus. Iida looked like Optimus Prime, Sato kinda looked like a huge block of cheese, Tokoyami looked super cool, And Bakugo looked like a spiny from Super Mario. After taking mental notes on everyone, AllMight continued his speech.

"They say that clothes make the pros, Young ladies and gentlemen. And behold, You are the proof!" You didn't really listen since you knew what he would say anyways so whats the point. Everyone looked super good. 'How come my class doesn't have any attractive people..' You then heard AllMight say something about starting so you smirked a bit. He saw and got a bit worried since you were usually a bit harsh with giving criticism.

Then Midoriya showed up. It was pretty obvious that his costume was based off AllMight, The "ears" and the smile, but he kinda looked like asparagus. You chuckled. "Hey Midoriya,You didn't miss much." He looked around, Trying to find where the voice came from. When he finally saw you, Mans turned into a whole ass tomato. You covered your mouth to not laugh at his reaction, Until you felt something on your leg.

You look down and out of shock you shifted into a bird. It. was. M*NETA. You then shifted into a horse and kicked M*netas face with the back of your hooves. He flew pretty far away, Farther than you expected.

You shifted back into yourself and when you looked up, Everyone was looking at you with either a surprised pikachu face, A confused face or just trying not to burst out laughing. AllMight slapped your back and told you not to do that. You just rolled your eyes while he started to explain a bit so you could explain too.


After he finished his speech, I then started mine. "Listen up. The situation is this, the villains have hidden a secret missile somewhere in the hideout.The heroes must try to foil their plans. To do that, The good guys either have to catch the evil guys or recover the weapon. Likewise, the bad guys will succeed if they protect the bomb or capture the heroes. Time is limited and we will choose teams by drawing lots." You finish by pulling out a yellow box from behind you. "Lets draw."

Team A:

Uraraka & Midoriya

Team B:

Shoji & Todoroki

Team C:

Yaoyorozu & Mineta

Team D:

Bakugo & Iida

Team E:

Ashido & Aoyama

Team F:

Sato & Koda

Team G:

Kaminari & Jirou

Team H:

Tokoyami & Asui

Team I:

Ojiro & Hagakure

Team J:

Sero & Kirishima


I then pulled out 2 more boxes, One labeled "Villains" and the other "Heroes". "The first teams that are fighting will be.." I looked at the balls ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) " Team A will be the heroes and Team D will be the villains. Everyone head out to the monitoring rooms to watch!" Allmight told me that was enough and that I could just watch for now. I was pretty excited to see what quirks everyone has. "The bad guys can go on in and set up but in 5 minutes, The heroes will be let loose and the battle will start."

I shifted into a Siamese cat and jumped onto Allmights shoulder while he was talking to Bakugo. 'Even though he has all this muscle, Hes still pretty comfortable..' Bakugo then stared at me. I thought he would say something super mean since that's what i've heard from some people but no..? He patted my head and left. 'what..'. Then when Uraraka saw me, I swear to god I saw literal stars in her eyes.

After all of the pets I shifted into myself and before i started watching, AllMight told me I should maybe step in if it goes too far... I think he's trying to kill me. "Are you really trying to get me killed or something? I mean you're the pro here, why can't  you do it.." I mumbled. AllMight just laughed and said everything would be fine.

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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 ( BNHA x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now