9: 𝐔𝐒𝐉 𝟑

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Iida was told to leave the USJ to get the other pros, He was refusing of course, "Use your quirk to save others, Be a real hero!" "I can help you out like when I floated you in the cafeteria! Please class rep! Do it!" He finally got into a sprinting position. "Even if this is your only option, Are you really foolish enough to strategize infront of your enemy?" Kurogiri tried attacking but 13 opened up her finger caps and sucked him into her fingers.🙂 "Black hole!!"

The splash zone:

M*neta was still being a crybaby little bitch and complaining about fighting. "The best way for us is to wait for a real pro from UA to come and save us!!!" He continued to cry. "Think about it, Those villains down there clearly have an advantage in the water.."

"Are you even listening?!" They both ignored him. "If thats the case, they mustve known what was inside of the USJ before they warped in." "Well they probably didnt know what our quirks are, If they did they wouldve taken you to the fire zone, Asui" She looked at Izuku. "OH I meant SUI" "But why does it matter if shes here?!?" M*neta screams again.

"Lets talk quirks, Ill go first. So mines Frog. I can obviously jump super high,cling onto almost any wall, I have my tongue, it stretches to about 20 meters. I can also spit out my stomach to clean it but thats kinda useless. Lastly I can secrete mucus, It just stinks a bit." M*neta, being a pervert blushed.'Secrete mucus...!!'

"Well mines super strength, It comes with a cost though, After i use it I come out of commission for a while. Its like a double edged sword when i can learn to control it."

Then it was HIS turn. "Ive got these sticky balls" He plucked one from his head and attached it to the boat. "There strength varies,Depending how im feeling it might stick to something the whole day. Oh they dont stick to me, I can bounce right off them"

After he finished, Both Asui and Izuku just stared, which made THE STUPID LITTLE SHIT CRY AGAIN. A villain finally cut the boat in half after just floating there. The boat was starting to sink, the bitch starting crying even more and threw his balls at the villains. Bitch then said "I dont wanna die without ever getting to touch yaoyoarzus boobs!!" ew

Izuku did his "Delaware smash"even though it was more of a flick than a smash but whatever. It created a whirlpool. The villains got sucked in and Asui caught Izuku with her tongue.After getting to the shallow ends of the zone, Izuku started muttering again.

Back to where you and Aizawa were:

You both were still fighting, It was like there was an infinite amount of villains..After you threw one, Another one "spawned". It was annoying and you were super light headed. You have never used your quirk so much while fighting before, Hurted like a buttcheek on a stick.

To the landslides:

Todoroki froze everybody, interrogating them while Hagakure was no where to be found."So the plan was to scatter us around then kill us?You guys were very unprepared, Looks like to me you guys had no training." A villain was about to stab him but he quickly froze his pole then him.

Mountain zone:

Kaminari was getting chased while the girlies were being baddies and fighting them. "Coulda maybe take it down a few notches?Right now we needa focus on these enemies." "Well then pull out a weapon for me too!" 'bruh'

"You're the one with electrical powers! Why dont you just zap them so we can run?!" "Were you not listening in the battle exams!? If i shoot it outta me it goes everywhere!! Im no help in this situation, YOU'VE gotta get us outta this!" A villain tried punching Kaminari but he dodged. Kyouka just drop kicked the dude."You're the human stun gun!Do something!"

He started electrifying him."Oh! This is working!Im super strong! Sit back you two you can count on me." "You're exhausting yaknow that?" Then the girls did some badass moves. "Do it Kaminari" He electrocuted everybody, but he turned into a dumbass. Yaomomos shirt was also ripped so her tiddies were just out. "Uhmm youre kinda flashing everyone.." "Its fine,I can make some new clothes"

Aizawa & Y/N again:

You've thrown up and had a pounding headache but you still needed to fight. 'How am I still fighting?! I should've passed out by now but..Eh'

You couldn't transform into that ape thing anymore unless you wanted to have a stroke, even though that was kinda rare, it could still happen. Instead you were doing hand to hand combat while eating the healing gummies from your fanny pack, It was hard but you did it. You then see that man from before sprinting at Aizawa. 'Oh shitttt' Aizawa elbowed him but his elbow started to.. Decay?


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