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Y/n POV still:

I was getting tired, This shit is hard. The air around us suddenly went cold and something shattering made me turn around. Izuku, Iida, and Ejirou were in the air! "Katsuki come on!" I yell. Shigaraki tried touching my leg but I propel myself forwards so I could fly beside them. "FUCK OFF LOSERS!" Katsuki used his explosions to reach Ejirous hand. "HELLO!!"


I land pretty roughly on my back, I bumped into a stupid building. "Izuku come here." He brushed himself off and hesitantly came over to me. "This is a pretty dumb idea, BUT Im gonna assist AllMight in fighting AFO, Ya know in case his time runs out.." He looked at you like you were insane. "What?! Are you crazy?! You're gonna die!" I shrug. "Meh whatevs, I mean have you seen how hes doing right now?Anyways, Go watch whats happening on the TV. You might see me I dunno!"

3rd POV:

The rest overheard goddammit. "Are you insane?!?" "Partially. But we only live once rightt..?heheh..Peace out." "Y/n please don't!!" Momo pleaded, But you were too far away to hear. "DETROIT SMASHHH" "Oh no-" You flew backwards a bit. Some blood came out of AllMights mouth, His time is almost up now. "Do or die I guess!"

You land next to AllMight. "Saw you were having trouble." "Young Y/n leave!" "You're almost out of time! I wanna help and nothing will change that. I mean I think I could do some damage, Look how big I am!" "...."

You shoved AFO back with your beak and AllMight does a smash into his thumb lookin head. Smoke started seeping out of AllMight, He's about to expose his true self to the world soon. AFO started speaking again, He sounded the same even though there was now a huge dent in the mans head.


Loads of people were crowding infront of the big TV, It was broadcasting everything happening LIVE. Like how AllMight smashed his fist into AFO's head and when you shoved him back. AllMight punched again but he was exploded back extremely far until you flew up and caught him on your back. "Toshi please calm down!! If you keep getting distracted you're almost going to be 6 feet under!There is smoke coming out of you!" You scold. You glide through the air to then land safely back on the ground.


Everyone was watching. No one could believe it, AllMight was being beaten by a villain. Some classes from UA were terrified, Especially Class 1-A and B. Not just because of AllMight, It was because you were there too. You weren't a pro yet, But you did get your hero license!


AFO's arm inflated and red lightning was surrounding it. "Toshi dodge!!" You scream as you flew further away. Instead of dodging, AllMight took the hit and another huge blast of wind was made. The smoke cleared and there was Toshi. He deflated. In a rage you charged at AFO with all of your power, Your beak was pointed directly at him. Your plan was to pierce through him heh. I mean it gets the job done, You would also probably rot in prison but YOLO. You squeeze your eyes shut.


You open your eyes to see AFO infront of you. Your beak did go through maybe half of his body, It should've gone all the way through but it was as if AFO's skin was made of rubber?Some type of super tough thing. You violently shake your head left to right to throw him off. 'Okay that was cool, Now I just do thiss..' You grab Toshi by the back of his costume and drop him next to AFO, who was on the ground with a hole in his stomach.

Toshi just stared at you with disbelief maybe? You move your head, Signaling him to finish him off. "Go, Hes kinda defenseless now, Maybe dying..I dunno, Just do a Texas smash in his head or something. I wanna get this over with, I'm tired and my brain hurts."

He shakes his head and punches AFO and points to the camera. "Its your turn.." Obviously towards Izuku but no one really knows that yet. "Yayy!! We did it!" You cheer as you shift back into your normal form. "Yeahh..!" "You should probably retire now, You look atrocious." "Gee thanks alot, Its not like I was fighting a villain that was stronger than me.." He sweatdrops. "Mhm no probs- WAIT WAIT I FORGOT WE'RE ON LIVE TV!! WHERE ARE THE CAMERAS??!" You spot a few and wave excitedly to them. Ya girl was famous now. 🤩👌🏼

A/N : I literally just noticed i've been using 3rd pov wrong. I dont pay attention in english so thats most likely why but I wont change it  😀

 I dont pay attention in english so thats most likely why but I wont change it  😀

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