1: 𝐇𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐨!

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You were sitting in class, Looking through Instagram trying to pass time since for some reason you got to school 10 minutes early, You heard the door slide open.Thinking it was your teacher you quickly put your phone into your backpack and straightened your back to look more "proper".

Instead of seeing your teacher, You see Mr. Nezu! He seemed to be looking for someone. He scanned through your class until his eyes landed on you! "Ah! Miss L/N, Can you please come to my office? You're not in trouble don't worry." He said. You hesitated but quickly walked to Mr. Nezu.

After entering his office, You sit down on one of the chairs. "I have great news!" You raise a brow at him. "You will assist AllMight with training and maybe giving advice!" He cheered while you just sat there confused since you didn't even agree, Let alone even know about this happening.

You sweat dropped then sighed. You knew you couldn't get out of this but why not try. "After lunch you'll meet up with Aizawa then you can introduce yourself to everyone! Isn't that great?" You groaned "Why do I have to do it? Have AllMight do it by himself, He can literally punch something ONCE and he can change THE WEATHER. Or you could just ask someone from 2-A instead.."

"Well since you have such an amazing quirk, You could help them out to be great heroes!"Nezu clapped his little paws together. "I'm already busy with stuff!!" "No you're not, Stop watching anime so much. Anyways it's been decided already, No buts!" He then had you go back to class.

Time skip to after lunch

While walking to where you would meet up with Aizawa,You started to hesitate. You shook your head and continued to walk through the long and quiet hallways. You then saw a yellow caterpillar on the ground! And jogged up to Aizawa then kicked him, Not hard but a more soft kick.

He groaned then started to stand back up. You could hear the voices of everyone, He opened the door and then it was silent.You started playing with your fingers,waiting for him to call you inside. You heard him say "Alright, Someone will be helping out with the hero training, You can come in now" You walked into the classroom.

You stood next to Aizawa's podium, Quickly looked at everyone, Taking mental notes on their looks, then you said "Hey, My name is Y/N L/N, I'm a second year here and I'll be helping you guys out for a while with training and other hero things, I already know all of your names so don't bother. Anyone have any questions?" 9 hands were up, So you picked the one closest to you, Ojiro. "How long are you going to help for?" You shrugged "Dunno maybe the whole year? I didn't really agree to this." You heard many "huh"s but you just ignored them.

You then picked Asui. " What's your quirk? Ribbit" "Is rather not tell you now,since you'll see in about 10 minutes anyways." You chuckled. After a few more questions, Aizawa left and All might appeared! "I am here! Coming through to door like a hero!"


Lots of "woah" and "wow" were said. Everyone was surprised,Well except me since I saw him a lot, No biggy. "Hey look, Is he wearing his silver age costume?" "Im getting goosebumps, Its so retro!" I sweatdropped. All might quickly said hello to me then went to the podium. "Welcome to the most important class at UA high, Think of it as "Heroing 101". Here you will learn the basics of being a pro and what it means to fight for the name of good, LETS GET INTO IT! Todays lesson is a Battle Trial!" (Idk what he even said there..)

Bakugo looked a bit intimidating to be honest.. "Fight training.." "But one of the keys of being a hero is...LOOKIN GOOD!" Shelves or whatever they're called started to come out of the walls. I was pretty excited, My hero costume wasn't flashy at all since I didn't really need anything with it.

"These were designed based on your quirk registration forms, The requests you sent in before school started." Everyone cheered, And All might told us to get suited up. Once in the locker room, We all started talking about our costumes. I couldn't help but blush a bit since most of their costumes were skin tight. "Woah you guys are like super cute.." I said, Not too loud but they still heard. They all blushed,which was pretty cute.  Mine wasn't much, Just a one piece swimsuit top, Loose sweatpants, Elbow pads, Combat boots, And some cool sunglasses just for some style.

(If you don't like how much skin is showing on the bottom just imagine the top as a black turtleneck)

(If you don't like how much skin is showing on the bottom just imagine the top as a black turtleneck)

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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 ( BNHA x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now