6: 𝐏𝐚𝐧𝐢𝐜

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While walking to UA, You see the entrance is blocked by reporters. You groan in annoyance, Trying to get through. "What is it like to have AllMight teaching here?!" One reporter yelled at you,shoving her microphone into your face. "It's fine, His teaching skills arent the best though PppFFftt"

You look around for someone familiar to help since you felt being nice today. You see a green bush popping up! You shift into a semi truck and drive over everyone infront of the school. Blood splats everywhere and someone calls the police and you get arrested.

Nah i'm jp

You just grabbed the people you knew by the backs of their collars and dragged them into the school. Bakugo was one of em and mister almost broke your finger because he was trying to escape from your grasp, Ungrateful much.

After they thanked you, you disappeared into the hallways. You were so deep in thought about..... Um nothing that you didn't notice someone was about to bump into you. You open your eyes to see a purple minion from DM2. "Oh uh sorry about that."

You put out a hand for him which he took. He looked super tired and emotionless, kinda scary lol. "Damn you look terrible." He looked a bit offended but you could literally not give a fuck. "Im sorry?" "I said you look terrible, Anyways sorry gotta go."

He looked annoyed. " Do you really think you're better than us just because you're in the hero course?" You look at him confused. "The fuck? Where'd you get that from? Do I look that young to you?" He looked a bit embarrassed lmao.

"So you aren't in the hero course then?" "Nope, But you didn't answer my questions before." He rolled his eyes "You're really annoying, you know that right?" 'This hoe-' "Heyyy, dont go there dude. Respect your senpai, you bitch. Anyways I gotta head to class, Whats your name." "Hitoshi Shinso, You can go now"

Before heading to class you decided to say hi to class 1-A. Their class was way more fun than yours and you actually liked being there! You opened the door a bit and peeked inside, Mostly everyone was there. When they heard the door open a bit,they all turned to look. "Hey everyone!!!" "Y/N" You recognized that voice.

'Oh no' You slowly turned to see Aizawa glaring at you. "Oh heyyy.." "Go to class." "But we have 5 more minutes left!! Why cant I stay longer!?" Aizawas glare hardened. He was fuckin scary dude. You turned your head back to the classroom to see everyone silently looking at yall. "BYE GUYS!DONT DIE PLEASE!!!"


You were gonna sit with some friends until you heard someone yell your name. You turned your head looking everywhere to see Ashido. "Oh hey whats up?" "Come sit with me and some classmates! We wanna talk to you more!!" She said while jumping up and down. "Sure sure, chillax with the jumping too."

She squealed and starting pulling you to a table with Sero, Kirishima, Kaminari and Bakugo. "He-" "Oh it's that bitch from this morning." Bakugo rolls his eyes. "You didn't have to interrupt me, but yeah it's me, the bitch from this morning who helped you. Where's my thank you??" You and Bakugo have a staring contest for a few seconds until-

"Can I get your number?" Mina puts her hand on your shoulder and waves her phone infront of your face. You put your lunch down on the table to take her phone until the alarms went off. "Woah this has never happened before.." They all looked at you in a panic. "Oh my god, Its just the press. It's fine." You shift into an elephant so the dudes and dudette could climb onto you. "This is so cool! I can really see everything from up here." Ashido exclaimed.

" Ashido exclaimed

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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 ( BNHA x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now