29:𝐀𝐭𝐭𝐚𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐝 𝐥𝐨𝐥..

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W/ the villains:

"Ughhh I hate this, this isnt cute!" Toga was adjusting her mask. "Those were engineered for the black market, You should be worried if they work or not and not that if it looks cute." Mustard mentions. "Ugh im just saying that they couldve made them a bit more stylish, is that too much to ask for?!" She was waving her arms up and down.

"Hi darlings, Sorry to keep you waiting!" Mange was carrying a pillar or something, Then came Moonfish and Spinner. "That makes 7 of us. We need to wait for 3 others to join the party."


The class were training harder than ever, They looked like they were gonna die.


Atleast everyone was doing something, Cutting up vegetables, Making fires, Cooking, ect. Katsuki was choppin the vegetables super fast. "I didnt know you were so good with your hands dude,A bit unexpected from you heh." You do a dice roll walk over to him. "WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN?!" "Ay ay ay, Watch your fingers man, I dont want your finger in the food." "SHUT UP LOSER!!"


"Perfect! We've filled your bellies and cleaned the dishes! Now its time for...." "A TOTALLY AWESOME TEST OF COURAGE!!!" Mina interrupts. "Not so fast." The 5 freeze. "It pains me to say this but the remedial class will be held by me tonight instead." "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!?" Aizawa ties them up with his scarf.

"Rivalry in the dark." 'Why does he keep saying that..' "Alright! Everyone draw a number to see who your partner will be!!" PixieBob held out little pieces of paper. Everyone was talking to eachother and you were doing Tiktok dances and whatever with the 5 that had to go with Aizawa.

You were typing in their @'s until, "Y-y/n?" "Yesss?" "D-do you wanna partner up with me??Only if you want to-I dont want to force you or anything..!!" You posted the video and put your phone in your pocket. "Im not sure if I can do it or not but sure!" "REALLY?!-oops.." "Yeah yeah its fine."

"TAIL. SWITCH WITH ME!" Katsuki put a hand on Ojiro's shoulder and he looked terrifying. "You look weird, Stop. Bakuhore" You drag Ojiro away sending a glare to him.

"Aoyammaaa lets switch partnerrss I wanna be with herrr!!" People started backing up from M*neta. "Rivalry in the dark."


There were alot of screams heard. "Uhm guys..Theres alot of smoke in the air-" You cover your nose and mouth with your hand. PixieBob was thrown away from you guys, Mange and Spinner were standing next to her. Mandalay sent out a message about villains attacking. "Mann I thought this week would be fun but I guess we might die today heh..." Spinner pulled out a huge sharp weapon uhh thing idek and pointed it at yall.

Mandalay told us to leave. "Wait what about Kota?!" "I know where he is, follow me." He ran and you followed behind,Deciding not to shift since you didnt have a way to not cover your face. Purple/pinkish fog filled the air and many have passed out.


Kota was about to get smashed into the ground but Izuku saved him just in time. 'Oh shit- its muscular.' You shift into a Utahraptor 😎 and attack from behind, You latch onto his shoulder and start shaking her head to try ripping the muscle off. Alot did come off into your mouth but more regener-fucking-ated. "wait what the fuck?"

He turned around and tried punching you but you dodge like a bad bitch and bit his arm. He then tried flipping you onto your back but you heavy asf so EVEN MORE muscles went into your mouth. "eww you taste GROSS bleh."

He managed to punch your in the nose and that shit hurted very much. "Ouch!" You flew back pretty far. You were contemplating whether if you should shift into AllMight or not, He has gotten weaker by a ton but you thought not to. Muscular got another punch on you and you swore you heard a crack.

You hit the rocks and fell forward. Izuku took the chance to lunge at him but Muscular punched him and he also flew into the rocks. "Do you know where a kid named Bakugo might be around here?" Muscular tried punching Izuku again but he dodged. "Im guessing the silence means you dont know. I guess its play time." He kicked Izukus gut.

You shift into a Dire wolf lol and bit his forearm,biting as hard as you could. You dragged his weave down onto the ground and bit even harder. "GET OFF OF ME YOU DUMB WOLF." You jumped off after hearing a loud crack and you ran over to get Kota and bring him over. "Izuku do you have a plan??" He shakes his head and slowly stands up and powers up. 'Oh lord' He punches Muscular but nothing happens, He took the punch like it was nothing.

Kota hugs your torso, crying and you rub his back. "Mann Izuku is getting folded.. Kota let go,I need to help out, Dont worry about it sweetheart.😎" He looks up at you with tear-filled eyes and lets go.

😎" He looks up at you with tear-filled eyes and lets go

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