12: 𝐫𝐞𝐜𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐲

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In the nurses office:

You've woken up not too long ago. You thought skinny dude and Izuku were still sleeping so you just pulled out your phone and went onto Tiktok. A few minutes passed, Recovery girl started "Well I wont scold you for him being back here since it wasnt your fault"You look up from your phone.

"So theyre awake now?" They both sat up after hearing your voice. "You're here too?/Are you okay?!" You sigh, "Im okay, I should really be asking both of you guys though.. I mean that Nomu did do a lot of damage, It was literally as strong as you Toshi. It looked like it grabbed your weak spot pretty hard too." Izuku nods. "I think I shortened my time limit with that fight, I hope I can still hold my form for an hour.." "Yikes."

The door slides open, "Excuse me.Hey AllMight,Been awhile ayy?" "Oh! Heya Tsukauchi!!" You waved at him. "Hello Y/n." "What the hell?! You didnt tell me you were investigating!" "Wait AllMight! Its okay hes seeing you like that?!" "Mhm" "Wait, tell me all of the students are okay!And Erasure,Aizawa and 13!"

"Well the only injuries were scrapes, Nothing serious.Both teachers are stable,Relax" We all sigh. Toshi then said some inspirational stuff you didnt listen to, you've heard enough of them.


"Young Y/N!!!" 'eh?' You turn around to see AllMight. "What is it?" "Lunch with me and young Midoriya..?" He held up his wrapped lunchbox. 'THAT IS SO ADORABLE WOW' "YES!LETS GO" You shift into a cat and jump onto his shoulder, Then he ran. "YOUNG MIDORIYA!!"  "Woah AllMight,Y/n What are you doing here?!" He held up his lunchbox again "Lunch!! Wanna eat with us??" You meow. 'THATS SO CUTEE'

"Sooo yes or no??" Izuku looked at Iida,"Sure.."

You were eating your sandwich while Toshi started to tell Izuku about his timing and how the Nomu really challenged him, He had overused his power too many times. Then Izuku started to apologize again..

"PFFTT" You wheeze and Toshi spewed blood outta his mouth. "Izuku you dont needa apologize for anythingg!" He blushed. "So I brought you 2 here to talk about the sports festival." "Wait what? Im not even participat-" Let me finish."

You nod and continue to eat. "The problem is that you cant fully control OFA yet, So I brought Y/n with me so you both could train with each other. She knows a lot of techniques so I was thinking that she could teach you quite a lot." "Oh! Thats cool, I already gave him my number for that." He nods. Then said ANOTHER INSPIRATIONAL SPEECH. 'Not again..'

Izuku then explained what the Sports festival was. "Right! Meaning you'll have plenty of opportunities to sell yourself!" He then fell backwards onto the sofa. "AHHAHAAH-" He threw a book at your nose. "This is why I like Recovery girl more than YOU-" a pen hit your forehead. "FINE THEN, I WAS GONNA HELP YOU UP BUT NOT ANYMORE"

Izuku was muttering the whole time about the sports festival,while you and Toshi were arguing and throwing random stuff at each other.

"IZUKU MIDORIYAA!!! HELLO?" You yell, waving your hands infront of his face. "AAAH"


You were inside the classroom since you were waiting to walk home with the Bakusquad. Uraraka opened the door to see people crowding around outside of the door. "Why the heck are you guys here?!"

"Do you students have some type of business with our class?" "Theyre scouting out the competition, Idiots. We're the class that survived a real villain attack and they wanna see us with their own eyes. Now move it extras."

You pull him backwards from his collar. "Heyyy dont be mean to them..hoe." "WHO ARE YOU CALLING A HOE HUH?!" You both start arguing again. "So this is Class 1-A, I heard you guys were impressive but you just sound like an ass."

'I recognize that voice.. oH!' "SHINSO?" He looked over at you and put a finger up to tell you to wait. 'ugh' "Is everyone in the hero course delusional or just you?" Everyone in the class started to panic. He then came to the front and said some other stuff about a war or something, you didnt care. You just stared at him, Checkin him out ya know. He was very attractive, end of sentence.

He saw you looking at him and he blushed. 'goddammit' He turned to you. "Are you done." You look up at him, "yep, you can leave now."


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𝐁𝐫𝐨 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 ( BNHA x Reader )Where stories live. Discover now