16: 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥! 𝟑

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Momo fell to her knees in defeat."I even used my quirk to make these outfits.." Jirou threw her pom-poms onto the ground while Hagakure was excited?? "Are you crazy?"

You walk back to the girls wearing your normal clothes"You guys can change back into your training uniforms soon" "What did you do to them..?" Uraraka asks. "Dont worry bout it, Dont worry bout it sweetheart"All, Minus Jirou just look at you in confusion. "Nevermind.." Kinda hurted that they didnt understand. Kaminari and M*neta came back with tears in their eyes. Thats all imma say.

"Come closer to see who youre up against then enjoy some games before we start.The 16 finalists have the option of participating in them or sitting out.Ill start with the 1st place team-" "Uhm excuse me, Im withdrawing" Everyone stares at Ojiro with surprise. "Wait what"

Apparently Shinso used his quirk on his teammates and controlled them, wow. "I know this is a great opportunity, i wish i could take advantage of it but i cant. Also why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders.." Another dude from 1-B withdrew for the same reason,

Kirishima started tearing up because "they were so manly". "Lets see what Midnight says about this though.." you mumble.

"This sort of talk is extremely naive and it turns me on!" You had to do a double take on that one. "Whaddidshesayy?!" "You are withdrawn!!"

TetsuTetsu and Shizozaki have advanced to the finals!And these are your opponents."

"Okay,Lets pause, before the battles begin its time for some side games!" Monoma talked even more shit about 1-A, Oml. You turn your mic on. "NEITO MONOMA" He jumped and looked at where you were with wide eyes. "If you keep talking trash about 1-A ,I will rip out your-" Mic turned your mic off, "heheh, Ignore her..Anyways are you ready?!Its now time for the real battles to begin!"

"Welcome our 1st fighters, Izuku Midoriya from the hero course vs Hitoshi Shinso from general studies!" You sit up and wave at the both of them. They wave back because THEY ARE ACTUALLY NICE.

"Rules are simple, immobilize your opponent or force them out of the ring!"

You kinda knew this round would be short, Shinsos quirk is super strong.I mean all you gotta do is say something and boom, Youre fucked. You werent really paying too much attention to the fight until you see Izuku move his mouth but then froze.

'Dumbass'  Shinso said something about leaving the ring and so he started walking away. "Hes so dumb..." He eventually snapped outta it but he broke his finger already and pushed Shinso out. "That was wayy too close for comfort.."

"Next fighters are Hanta Sero from 1-A vs Shoto Todoroki from 1-A!" Sero wrapped his tape around Todorokis body and tried swinging him outta the ring, But I guess Todoroki had a bad day sooo he made the biggest fuckin ice mountain. "God damn 👴🏼"

"Can you move Sero?" "Obviously not!!" "Sero has been immobilized..!" "Aight imma head outta here for a bit." "Dont die." "no"

Sero was walking through the hallways shivering,He had ice all over his clothes. You full on RAN over to him from behind,picked him up and started swinging him around. "AAAAAH" "Hey dude! You did good out there..kinda, Anyways do you need some help?" He nods. You lift him up bridal style and ran. "WOAH UH" He turned very red but slowly snuggled next to you ^_^.

"Youre lighter than I thought!" You slow down and stop infront of the nurses office. You move Sero a bit and kick open the door."Hello Recovery girl!"

Recovery girl turns around to see you carrying Sero, who was red and shyly smiling at her. "Uhm..Hello dearie, You can put him down onto one of the beds.." You nod and put him down onto the bed. "Since hes mostly just cold, Just make him something to keep him warm." "Ooh okay." You open up the cabinets and take out 2 mugs, Chocolate powder, Milk and whatever.


You give him a super fluffy blanket and hot chocolate, You talked for a bit about interests and stuff, He was actually super chill and cool to talk to.  "Is you okay now cause imma go to sit with the class" "Im good,Lemme walk with you" "Aight, Lessgo" You both walk back to the class, "Heyy" They all turn "Hii/Hello!/Y/N!!" "Oh Sero wassup dude"

"Welcome back to the finals everyone, Sorry for that long wait. Next fighting are Ibara Shiozaki from 1-B vs Denki Kaminari from 1-A"

You sit down next to the girlies. "Oooh Shiozaki kinda cute though-"Mina says "Nahh have you seen Kendo?!"Jirou interrupts "Shes cute but Kodai- Shes so finee!"You add. You and the girls kept talking about people and how cute they were, Not paying too much attention to the fight.😎

The fight ended quickly, Kaminari turned dumb with A SINGLE ATTACK and Shiozaki immobilized him, Mans didnt even put a scratch on her. 😭


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