30: 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐎𝐮𝐭𝐭𝐚 𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐚

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Muscular kept talking mad smack about Izuku and that shit got annoying asf. You were about to jump onto him but Kota threw a pebble at his neck. "wh-" "My mom..And my dad..Did you torment them too before YOU KILLED THEM?!" "Those losers were your parents?Well this is fate, They were the reason I have this fake eye!" "This is all your fault!"

You quickly picked Kota up and plopped him a bit further away. Izuku tried sneak attacking, His left hand got stuck in his muscles but he punched with his right and everything blew away. "OH GOD" You had a death grip on Kotas arm. "You look terrible! We should get going...Oohh nevermind." Muscular looked completely fine? "What kinda witch craft is this shit?!"

He punched the ground where yall were standing. Kota was on Izukus back and it was obvious that Muscular kind of forgot about you. L. 'Hes on X-games mode, What do I even do..Maybe shift into Mt.Lady and squish him? Or maybe Bakugo..Yeah sure why not.' You shift into Bakugo and start exploding the hoe.

Then he was after you and that was terrifying. "I WAS NOT READY FOR THIS." You keep jumping around and throw explosions at his face. 'Am I even doing any damage..Cuz it doesnt look like it ffs..'

"You're gonna attack again?!But your arms are busted!" Izuku had green lightning around him. You run infront Kota incase he flies away again. "DETROIT SMASHH" "That looks extremely gross ehh." Izuku was basically on the ground and his arm was purple. "Welp.." You shift into Mt.Lady, 'This suit is uncomfortably tight..' and activate her quirk.

"WOW THIS IS COOL!!" You scream. You pick up Muscular like he was a fly and flicked him away with your 2 fingers. Izuku was barely standing at this point so you scoop the 2 boys up into your palm and carefully walk back to camp. "Izuku you should probably get a shirt when we get back." He looks down and blushes 😳.


You drop the boys off and waited. After a bit you pick Izuku back up so he could tell you some info. "We can fight?! HELL YEAH THIS IS GONNA BE FUN!Where we heading?" 'We have found out who the villains target is! Kacchan, If you can hear this dont engage in combat!Stay in a group!'

"So after Katsuki? Not surprised.Ohoh is that Dark Shadow??" You hold out your arm so he could maybe see. "Maybe, Go over there." You were correct, Dark Shadow looked huge and was attacking everything that moved, plus your knees. "Woah woah woah what is happening- Oh hello Shoji!" You pick him up. "Whats going on?" "Dark Shadow basically took over Tokoyami, He tried controlling him but he couldnt."

"Doesnt light weaken him? I have my phone! That Muscular dude cracked the screen though." "Use your flash!" "Okay" You turn on your phone and turned on the flashlight. Dark Shadow calmed down and went back into Tokoyami. "That was easy too.." You now had 3 classmates in your hand. "Ooh Ice! I think the boys are over there fighting a villain!"

You walked a bit. "Hi boys!Let me help!" You snatch MoonFish from the ground and threw him away. "Are you guys hurt?" "We're fine, We didnt need your stupid help." "Looked like you did! Lets find some more people."


"Tsu and Ochaco ! The girl they're fighting is kinda pretty." "She's a villain dumbass." "So? Would still date 10/10." You got distracted and turned away for a few seconds. "Am I late?"

Ochaco POV:

I was sitting ontop of Toga, She kept talking about wanting to be exactly someone.."You're crazy..!" She sneakily stabbed my thigh with her needle and my blood started flowing through the tube. "Am I late?" I look up to see Mt.Lady? "Mt. Lady what are you doing here?!" I yell. Toga jumped up and ran away. "Its Y/n, Who was that girl?" She put her hand onto the ground so me and Tsu could climb on, Deku, Shoji,Todoroki, and a person from 1-B were on her hand.

Y/n lifts us back up."I think her name was Toga." Tsu says. "We should go back,We're protecting Katsuki!" I looked around. "Huh? Where is he?" I ask. "Hm? Hes right- wait where did he go? And wheres Tokoyami?!" Y/n started panicking.

"Nice trick ay?" A voice came from the sky. "I took the lad that you were talking about with my magic." He had bright blue marbles in his hand. "Give him back." "Give him back?What an odd thing to say, Bakugo doesnt belong to anyone. He's his own person."

Todoroki blasted ice his way but he dodged. "You're just like a stupid fly! Ughh!!" Y/n yells, She kept grabbing or swatting the air trying to hit him. Todoroki gave the 1-B boy to me and ran. "Ah okay.." Y/n put her hand down.

He blasted a bigger mountain of ice and he still missed. "Hey Shoto watch it!" Y/n yelled, Her fingers were covered in ice but it shattered after a bit of wiggling. "Hes gonna take them, Lets go." Y/n stretched her arm out, trying to grab him but he was quick.

" Y/n stretched her arm out, trying to grab him but he was quick

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