19: 𝐒𝐩𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐬 𝐅𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥! 𝟔

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You shifted to a rat and hid behind a plant. Bakugo looked for a minute until leaving, 'Phew..'You shift back and start heading to the class until you see a man with flames who seemed to be talking to someone. Its him. "AYOO ENDEAVOR! REMEMBER ME?" He turned around and looked at you in disappointment. "What do you want."

"Just wanted to say hi to my least favorite person ever!!Anyways who ya talkin- Oh hello Izuku!" "Uhm- Hey Y/n.." "Are you done talking to him cause we needa go." "Yess..?" You grab his arm, it was RIPPED my guy. "I DISLIKE YOUU BYE BYE~" And you drag Izuku away.

"Ouh its your turn soon!" He nods, blushing ofc since you had a M E G A fat grip on his very muscular arm. You turn to face him and put both of your hands onto his shoulders quite hard. "If you turn crippled again, I will not hesitate to go into your house and steal all of your AllMight merchandise."

"W-WAIT PLEASE DONT" He looked at you with fear in his eyes, He had been collecting AllMight stuff for years and he didnt want that all stolen! "I PROMISE I WONT BREAK ANY BONES" That was the biggest fuckin lie you have ever heard.

"Youre a liar and you know it, Just dont get too hurt or I will do it. Well you needa go, Good luck dude." You ruffle his fluffy ass hair and you leave to quickly find Todoroki to tell him good luck as well.

Not too long later you see red and white hair. 'BINGO BITCHESS' You jog over to him. "Heya Todoroki,Dont get too hurt or I will steal all of your cold soba, Alright?" He stared at you in disbelief, You wouldnt do that would you? Maybe, "Anywayss good luck!" You also ruffle his hair, It wasnt as fluffy but it was still nice. He gave you a small smile and you almost exploded.👌🏼💕


You sat down next to Jirou, "Y/n what took so longg? You were gone for like EVER!" "Uhmm helping Recovery girl with Uraraka, Bullying Kacch-" He interrupted you "NO" "-an, Talked to Endeavor, ew, and talked to the boys fighting uhhh thats it." The girls look at you. "So youre like on a first name basis with Bakugo? The time bomb?!" "Yessir.. Do you guys want me to call you guys by your first names too or something?" Other people next to you that heard nodded excitedly..?

"YES" "Okaay then..!"

"Shoto Todoroki vs Izuku Midoriya!!"

"YOU 2 BETTER REMEMBER WHAT I SAID OKAY?!!" They both look at you and slowly nod.

Todoroki starts with making an ice mountain annnddd Izuku most likely broke his finger. The ice shattered and cold air was flowing everywhere, You covered your body with the thin ass jersey you wore but it barely helped. Another ice mountain was made and another finger was mostly broken. THEN A FUCKIN NOTHER ONE. 'He gonna run outta fingers wayyy too early oh lawd'

"Oh no, Im missing it..!" You turn. "Oh heya Kirishima, Good job by the way! Oh and can I call you by your first name too?" "Thanks! And yeah sure. Looks like im against Bakugo next, but its crazy that you and Todoroki have quirks that blast the whole stadium, Must be nice.." "Yeah, And you dont have to pause between attacks."

Bakugo then said boring stuff about overusing your quirk and shit, You didnt care too much so you just keep watching the match. Another finger is broken,Then an arm. no surprise there.

Izuku used up all of his fingers and went to break the other fingers twice. 'Mans gonna have some messed up fingers and stolen figures after this.' This kept repeating over and over, It was cool, yeah but there wasnt anything too crazy happening sooo you became a bit bored.


A huge burst of flames appeared. "Woah..THAT IS SO COOL!!" you scream.

"YES SHOTOOO!!" Endeavor yells. "Have you finally accepted your purpose?!thats it!" He was walking down the stairs. Mans built like Professor Utonium from PPG. "SHUT UP YOU JUST RUINED THE MOMENT LOSER" You hated that guy with a PASSION.

Both boys were gonna go over 9000 on eachother, Cementos started making walls and Midnight ripped her sleeve to have pink fog come out. People could barely see a thing happen because Todoroki was shinin bright like a diamond ✨. Before the boys were gonna kill eachother, walls were made between them but that didnt really stop anything. There was a huge explosion kinda thing, Bigger than Bakugos.

Some shorter people such as M*neta even flew backwards, You were recording eveything and you had a fat grip on your phone and the armrest. "JESUS FUCKIN CHRIST!!" Smoke was everywhere and your eyes started to water from that and little particles getting into your precious eye-balls.

The smoke cleared up eventually, Izuku was outta the ring, knocked out as for Todoroki, Half of the mans shirt was gone and he didnt look too injured. The man was very ripped and the sight was great so you just hadda snap a picture.👍🏼

"Shoto Todoroki shall move onto the next round!"

You slowly stood up and brushed off the dust that was on your clothes."Welp, I gotta leave again, Are you guys alright?" "I think we're all fine, you can go..."


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