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Karter's POV

We all are inside the cabin now. We found no trace of anyone living here. We split up room already. We found four bedrooms. One for Mason and I, one for Drake and Aria, one for my dad and Liam, and one for Jackson and his dad.

"I'm hungry." Jackson exclaims as he gets up to get food.

"You're always hungry, more like Karter's brother than mine." Aria grumbled.

"I'm not always hungry." I rolled my eyes.

"Yes you are! You eat any chance you get!" Aria points out.

"It shouldn't be there if it doesn't want to be eaten." I pouted.

"And that's my cue to leave before I'm involved." Drake got up and went upstairs to his and Aria's room.

"Hey!" Aria called after him.

"I'd leave too." I smirked.

"You two are children." My dad chuckled.

"Im glad I wasn't stuck in a house with them for eighteen years." Mason said. I glared at him. "I said the both of you. I'd survive if it was just you." Mason kissed me lightly.

"Ok that's enough. Just to make Jackson happy we should eat dinner." Jack said.

"We don't have proper food, do we?" I asked.

"I brought a cooler." Jack pointed to a red cooler next to the kitchen.

"Well than, let's make dinner I guess." Aria said. "I'll go get Drake." She ran upstairs to get him.

"I'll help make it." I said. I stood up and made my way to the kitchen. I heard Mason following me.

Mason stands behind me wrapping an arms round my waist. He leans down and whispers in my ear. "My mother is calling. I'll be back." Mason said low. I looked up at him.

"Ok." I said..

"Come find me in the room when your done." He said removing his arm and turning to the stairs. He heads up them.

"Where is he going?" Drake asked.

"His mom called." I shrugged. Drake nodded.

"Of course. Hey babe can you hand me my phone? I probably have phone calls from her too." Drake asked Aria.

"Sure." Aria handed him his phone.

"Three missed calls. Great! She'll be pissed!" Drake hurried up the stairs.

"Guess It's just us." My dad said.

Jackson looked at the screen on his phone. He than squinted his eyes at Aria. "What?" She asked.

"Your birthday is in a couple weeks and we are stuck here." He huffs.

"So?" She said as if it's nothing.

"You aren't worried about missing your birthday?" I asked surprised.

"No." She said. I gave her a look. "Maybe. But I don't care if we miss it. This is more important." She shrugged.

"Well I certainly don't want to miss my sister's birthday." Jackson said standing up. "Maybe we can make a cupcake or something." He said smiling. Aria laughed.

"Maybe." She smiled. I got up deciding to go find Mason.

"I'm gonna go find mason." I said. I headed up the stairs to the room we set our bags down in. He was sitting on the the bed in just his jeans. His muscular chest out on display.

"Hi baby." He said. He patted the spot next to him. I crawled in the bed next to him. His hand immediately went to my leg. "My mother expects me home after this. I'm planning on taking you with me. Drake must be doing the same." He said. I looked down. "What's wrong?" He asked. He lifted my head to look him in the eyes.

"What's going to happen when you have to become king and I still have Atlantis?" I asked. He caressed my cheek softly.

"We've talked about it baby. We have so many people to help. We can watch it ourselves and when we aren't there we can have drake and Aria reside their." He said.

"They won't be there all the time. Drake is supposed to be near you almost all the time and Aria has her own preserve." I argued back.

"We will get there when we get there. We have enough to worry about." He said. I glared at him. "Don't you dare give me that look." He glared back. I turned my head looking at the wall. Suddenly warm kisses were being placed in my neck. "I love you." He said. My heart flutters everytime he says it.

It still feels far fetched that he loves me. It almost doesn't feels real. But I believe him when he says it. Trust is key, and even though it's hard for me I have to trust Mason in what he says.

"I love you too. But I don't think we have time for this." I said leaning away.

"I know. Come on we should see if there are any ingredients for potions." Mason said. I followed him out of the room. When I walked downstairs glacier was waiting patiently.

I found a fox.
Is all he said. I gave him a curious look.

I asked.

I white fox. Well, really she's a kitsune.
He said. He stood up. He was to my shoulders now and soon wouldn't be able to hit in a house.

"A kitsune? I'll get Aria."
I said. I walked into the living room. Aria was talking to beau. I wave her over. Mason goes to sit next to Jackson. Aria gets up and follows me to the foyer.

"What?" She asked.

"Glacier said he found a kitsune in the woods." I said.

"A kitsune!" She exclaims. "Show me."

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