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Mason and I just pulled into Jackson's preserve we both get out and let Glacier out who goes to play with Sage who is in the side yard. Mason knocks on the door. Jackson opens the door.

"Karter! Mason! So good to see you." Jackson says hugging me than Mason. Mason smiles pulling me into him.

"Actually it's Karter caretaker of Atlantis." Mason said kissing my head.

"Woah, are you two together?" Jackson asks. I nod my head.

"Yep!" I say excitedly. Jackson raises a brow at Mason asking him a silent question. Mason nods.

"She knows." He says pulling me tight to his side.

"I'm surprised she didn't run the other way." Jackson says looking at me.

"I wouldn't let her." Mason says causing me to blush slightly. Jackson rolls his eyes before letting us in.

"Come on you two. Aria and Drake are in a the beach guest bedroom." Jackson says.

"I know where it is." Mason says pulling me down the hall. He opens a door and I immediately notice Aria and Drake laying together on a queen sized bed.

"Aww look at them. Don't they look cute." I say fake gagging. Mason chuckles before pulling me out of the room and closing the door.

"Come on I'll show you around the preserve." Mason guides me outside. The layout is bigger and older compared to Alfhiem. There is a stone fence about five feet high separating the forest and house. The wall is lined with a flower bed and small stream. An iron gate is placed in the middle allowing an entrance to the forest. Mason pulls me to a natural looking pool. He squats down putting his hand in the water. Immediately small glowing fish come to the surface. Mason glides his hand over the water. I watch as the fish follow his hand.

"We kind of have those at our preserve." I say putting my hand in the water. Suddenly I'm picked up and held over the water. "Mason!" I yell laughing. He pretends he's going to drop me. "Put me down." I say kicking my legs. Mason chuckles before dropping me. I scream as my body hits the cold water. Suddenly Aria, Drake, Jackson and the two fathers are all standing at the door. At first they looked worried but than they all laugh leaving to go back inside, except Jackson, Aria, and Drake, they join us in the pond. Well me. Mason hasn't gotten in yet. He's staring at me from the deck. I smile at him. He smiles back than jumps in with us. He swims towards me before swimming behind me and wrapping his arms around me.

He whispers in my ear, "I can see through your shirt." I look at my chest before shrugging.

"I can see through yours." I say turning around running my hand down his wet, t-shirt clad chest. His body shivers before he pulls me in close to him.

"I love you baby." He says kissing my head.

"I love you too." I smile. He lifts me up in the water a bit. I wrap my legs around his waist. His his hands rest his hands under my thighs. He smirks before kissing my lips softly. Drake clears his throat behind me.

"We are going to dry off. You two should come in too." He says. I nod.

"Ok." I detach from Mason swimming to the shore. I climb out before turning around and offering to help Mason.

"I got it baby." He says climbing out. He grabs my hand leading me to the door. He opens it allowing me to enter first.

"Thanks." I say stepping into the house. Mason nods before taking my hand and leading me to the room we left our suitcases. He grabs his clothes before heading to the door.

"I'm going to go change in the bathroom." He says exiting the room. I quickly change my clothes before brushing my hair the best I can. After I'm satisfied I walk into the hall to explore the house. As I'm entering a study Aria pops up next to me.

"Hey Karter! Whatcha doing?" She asks looking around the study. "This is Jackson's study. He doesn't use it though." She says wiping dust off the desk.

"Yeah. I'm just exploring." I say looking at the books Jackson has lining the walls. They are all mainly about the creatures this preserve has.

"I can show you all the exciting rooms! He has a music room. And it's not just any music room. Come on." She says running out of the room. I quickly follow her. She guides me down the hallway to large double doors. She smiles before opening them.

"Oh my god!" I exclaim hurrying in the room. The wall opposite of the door is all windows. There is a sliding door in the middle. The room is filled with various instruments and large speakers.

"I know it's so cool. The doors open and all of the domestic creatures are allowed in. Jackson plays some of the instruments. Some of the creatures play the others. Mostly they just relax in here." She says stepping behind the piano. I look around and I notice small places for creatures to rest. Suddenly a soft melody plays through the room. I turn to Aria.

"I thought you stopped playing?" I say confused.

"I still remember how to play." She says as she continues the song. I walk to the doors I look over to Aria for permission. She shrugs. I open them allowing a small breeze to flow through the room.

I sit on a stool watching the fairies dance out side the doors. They almost look scared to come in. Eventually the make they're way in staring in awe at Aria. Aria changes her song playing A Thousand Years by Christina Perri.

She sings with the notes. Her voice is better than mine by a long shot. I sound like a dying cat.

Eventually the room is filled with fairies either lounging or dancing through the air. A few have landed on my legs using them as seats. I also notice Glacier and Sage have wandered in. Glacier is sat next to me and Sage is sat in the piano.

After Aria is done with the song she looks around the room. She gasps at the amount of fairies. She than turns to the door. Her cheeks tint pink before she looks down. I turn to the door smiling at the boys standing there. Drake looks like he's in a trance staring at Aria, and Mason is smirking at me sitting on the stool with the fairies. I tilt my head in confusion. Mason shakes his head before darting his eyes to the door quickly and heading out. I get the message and slowly move the fairies and follow Mason out the door.

As soon as I'm in the hall Mason presses me against the wall and smashing his lips to mine. I smile against his lips. Mason grips my hips pulling me flush against him. He pulls away before leaning down and kissing my neck. He pulls away smiling.

"Your so beautiful." Mason says running his thumb down my cheek. I feel my cheeks slightly blush. Mason chuckles. "Are you hungry baby? We can go get food." He says looking down at me.

"Yeah." I answer. Mason nods before taking me down the hall.

Jackson Austin236' 1Aria's brother

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Jackson Austin
6' 1
Aria's brother

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