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Karter's POV

When I woke up the sun was a couple hours from setting. Mason was still sleeping next to me.

I decided to go get some air. This house is stuffy and no one will notice.

I slipped out of bed and headed for the stairs. I heard everyone in the living room talking about something. I carefully crept down the stairs keeping below the railing. I slowly opened the door and slipped out.

I sighed when I finally made it outside. I saw Sage sitting on a nearby branch. Luckily she was sleeping.

I don't see Glacier around. He probably went to find food.

I shrugged and walked through the dense forrest. I heard birds singing above me and a gentle breeze was shaking the trees. I breathed in the ocean scent.

The calmness was interrupted to loud footsteps that were not my own. They were heavy and heading for me. I quickly hid behind a tree hoping to hide from whoever it could be.

I saw three men searching frantically. They all wore a jacket that had the dark guild emblem. I'm sure I'm far enough away from the base. Well I was sure, until I looked to my right and saw a stone building set in a clearing.

I cursed to myself. I had to get far enough away. I slowly began to back up. But I ran into a another body. I turned around and saw Brian.

"Well hello there, darling." He smiled evilly.

"B- Brian." I stuttered. I tried to run but he caught my arm.

"Don't you dare try and run!" He yelled at me. He yanked my arm. He dragged me back to his base.


I wake up reaching over to pull Karter closer to me only to find she's not there. I shoot up and quickly check the bathroom. I find no one so I hurry down the stairs after throwing on sweats. I find everyone, but Karter, in the sitting area.

"Where's Karter?" I ask trying to keep calm.

"I thought she was still sleeping with you." Aria says squinting her brows.

"No. She's not." I sigh. "Shit." An unnerving thought crossed my mind. "She was probably kidnapped. Did any of you hear anything! No one saw her!" I yelled my anger rising.

"What happened?" Chris asks just entering the room.

"Karter was kidnapped by Killian." I growl.

"Mason! Calm down. We can't do anything about it right now." Jackson says walking up to me.

"Calm down! The love of my life was kidnapped and probably being tortured for fucking answers and you tell me to CALM DOWN!" I yell shoving Jackson. He flys to the other side of the room from my unusual strength.

"Mason we have to lay low! They are expecting us to rush in there. Give it a few days or... weeks." Drake says helping Jackson up.

"WEEKS!" I take a breath. Maybe he's right. We can't do anything right now. "Fine. But if she shows up bloody or... worse, your dead." I growl pointing at drake. I turn and storm up the stairs sitting on my bed and resting my head in my hands.

My Babygirl was currently sitting in a cell. If I had just gotten up faster.

I rub my temples. I can not just sit here and wait for an idea to pop up. If we wait too long... I don't want to think about it.

"Mason?" I heard Aria walk into the room.

"What?" I snapped. I didn't mean to, I was frustrated.

"Don't snap at me! If Karter was here you'd be in trouble." Aria huffed.

"Fine, sorry." I apologized. Kinda.

"We've calmed down. We need you to help with a plan." Aria said. I sighed.

"I'll be down there." I said. Aria nodded and went downstairs. I followed her softly after.

When I got down there I saw Jackson holding his elbow. He glared at me.

"Calmed down." He snarled.

"Yes." I rolled my eyes.

"Ok you two." Drake rolled his eyes. "What's the plan?" He asked.

I looked around at everyone. They all looked depressed. They had their heads down.

"We scout out the area for guards. Than after we take them out we go in for Karter." Jack said. He was sitting on the couch trying to comfort Aria.

"Well how long is that going to take?" I asked.

"Probably a week. We have to get the schedule down." Jack said. I sighed but nodded.

"Well than let's get started." I said.

Mason's POV

We spent four days scouting the island and spying on the base. We have the day and night schedule down. We learned there are less guards at day. We assumed they figured it was easier to see during the day.

"Are we ready?" Jackson asked everyone. We were finally ready to go in. It was noon. There was nearly no guards at this time.

Jackson and his dad were taking down the four guards while Chris and I go in. Aria and Drake will go look for Karter after I split up with them inside. We will meet up with them when we check the whole inside.

"Yeah." Aria said. She clipped a knife hilt to her left just in case. She didn't like knives as much as Karter did, but it was good backup.

"Ok let's go." Chris said and we all headed out.

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