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Glacier ^ or >

ARIA'S POV (day 8)

I wake up the next morning ready to go on the mission we had planned today.

We are going to go to the other side of the island today and with Karter's potions and stuff she made we will go find Atlantis.

I get up and get changed into leggings and a t shirt. I head out of my room to go wake up Karter.

When I get to her room I find Mason standing there staring at the door.

"Mason?" He looks over at me.

"She isn't answering. She left my room last night after saying something about being vulnerable and she was sorry. And now she won't answer her door." I furrow my eyebrows before knocking on the door.

"Karter? Are you ok?" No answer. "Karter open the door." No answer. My eyes widen. "Mason open this door!" He furrows his brows before twisting the door knob and breaking it off. I swing the door open and just as I expected the room was empty besides potion bottles laid out neatly on the nightstand.

"W- where did she go?" Mason asks from besides me. I shake my head.

"To find Atlantis. She probably thought she'd be dead weight if she went with us. She is probably the most valuable person in our group. Dammit she needs to stop this. She has always though she'd be useless. Honestly I thought I'd be the one to leave." I run my hand through my hair. "We need to find her. Knowing her she is probably already in Atlantis. Who knows what Triton is going to do to her." Mason grabs the bottles and throws them in his bag.

"Well we better get going if we are going to catch up with her." He rushes out of the room to go pack his bag. I go to pack mine as well. After we all pack we head outside.

"Are we going to bring the other group?" Drake asks. If we take them they could slow us down. But more might be better. Better with numbers.

"We Can but would it be better?" Mason and Drake shrug.

"Better with numbers. They may not be ready but we aren't even fully ready for what could happen." I nod.

"Yeah."  I sling my bag over my shoulder and walk  in front of Mason and Drake heading towards the other groups cabin. Once we reach their cabin I notice they have their bags all ready on their porch.

"Hey guys." Ally waves. "Um our bags aren't water proof." She shrugs. "Can we just leave them here. We don't really need any of it. It's just extra clothes and some fancy plant we though would work for something." Ally says pulling a glowing blue plant out of her bag.

"Well shit. That's a blue blood locust." Mason says from behind us. My eyes widen.

"If we can get that to Karter we will be able to find the Trident in no time." I state grabbing the flower and placing it in a container in my bag.

"Why do we need that trident again?" Kai asks coming out of the bungalow.

"We need to return it to King Triton so we can restore Atlantis. Than we have to get someone to run this preserve." I answer making sure I have everything and handing the group a water proof bag. "Here, if you guys have anything you want just put it in here. It's water proof." They thank me before setting random stuff in it. I sling my bag back over my shoulder and lead the group into the forest to go to the other side. Hopefully that's where Karter went.

After about twenty minutes we finally make it. And the sight was beautiful. There was white sand covering a big beach. The water looked like crystal and the animals walking around where magnificent. I'm staring in awe before Drake nudges me to follow the rest of the group. I quickly catch up and stand next to everyone at the edge of that water. Mason hands out the tubes of the paste to each of us.

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