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I giggle as I watch the guys struggle to swim with such a heavy case. Adam gives me a look before looking forward again. I hang back with the girls as we talk about what we are going to do when this is over.

"What are you going to do, Karter?" Ally asks. Karter looks down before lifting her head to look back at us.

"Hopefully I can run this preserve. And I hope you guys get to stay until the end of summer. Than we can show you Alfheim. That's our preserve that our grandparents control." Aria nods in agreement.

"Yeah when do you guys go home?" Me and Ally look down.

"The end of July. But since we are eighteen we should be able to stay as long as we want. We don't know if we are going to college. If we do I'm majoring in.. I don't know." Ally answers them. I nod. "I'm not sure what Kai is doing though."

"Well we can't leave for a little bit so we will just have to wait. And phones don't work out here." Karter says sighing. We continue to silently follow behind the guys to the castle. Once we reach the castle aria knocks and the doors open. Triton is sitting there in his throne judging us as we walk in.

"What do you have?" He waves at the case.

"Well we found the mold for the trident." Drake says giving his part to the human things.

"Is the trident broken?" Triton asks.

"Well the clues all led to this so take it or lose it." Karter says with her hands on her hips the best she can in water. Triton scrunches his eyebrows.

"Are you threatening me?" Karter looks taken aback.

"No you would know if I was threatening you. I was simply telling as it is. You take it or lose it. Your choice." Aria slaps her hand on her forehead. Everyone else shakes their head.

"Fine I'll make a new one." Karter sharply nods her head.

"Also it would be great if you could please open Atlantis to the mermaids and make this an official preserve." Triton thinks for a moment.

"Alright I'll open Atlantis, but you have to close the resort. And take those terrible houses down." Karter nods.

"Deal." She swims up to triton and shakes his hand. The human things take the case to another room.

"Alright humans. Out of my sight." Triton waves us off. We all are pushed out of the castle and found outside of the castle.

"Well, I guess we head back up?" I ask. Aria shrugs.

"Yeah, besides we should be running out of our potion." We all agree and turn a round to go. I laugh when I notice Karter halfway to the doorway. We all follow her up and to the surface. Once we finally reach it we are just out of air. We all fall on the beach gasping for air. The night sky illuminating the beach

"Everyone good?" Karter asks untying her and Glacier. "There ya go buddy." Glacier snorts than runs between her legs. Everyone says they are good.

"Ok I think we should head back to the houses." Ally suggests. We all agree and hike back through the forest. Once we reach the bungalows we separate into our groups and head to our own. Once I reach my bungalow I rush inside and to my room. I lay on my bed and slowly fall asleep without even changing.

Morning (day 7)

I wake up the next morning to footsteps entering my room. I peak one eye open and watch Adam make his way to the side of the bed sitting there and moving my hair behind my ear.

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