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Mason and I are still walking after our little moment. I shouldn't have cried. He thinks I'm a baby. No! He- he said I was fine. H- he doesn't think bad of me. He not going to judge me. Maybe I judge myself to much. Maybe I should just stop judging myself and bringing myself down and actually do something for me and not others. I nod to myself looking up at Mason.

"Yes?" I look back down. Should I kiss him? Now would be a good time. But what if he doesn't want to kiss me. "Ok, Karter. Look at me." I look up at him. "I know your thinking your a cry baby. Stop your not. I promise. Your actually strong. You keep your true feeling bottled up so you don't hurt others. You don't have to do the for me. I li-" I cut him off by pulling him down by the collar of his shirt and smashing my lips to his. He doesn't respond at first But after a few seconds he wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me close, than tilting his head to deepen the kiss. Eventually we pull away for air. Mason smiles down at me before give me a peck.

"I have been wanting to do that since I met you." I smile looking down. "Hey I told you not to do that." He lifts my head up with his forefinger and thumb. "I told you I like you and not a fake façade you put on for everyone else." I nod. "Good." He kisses my lips one more time before grabbing my hand and pulling me to some glowing thing.

"Um what is that?" I ask pointing to the thing in front of the glowing thing.

"I have no idea." I carefully walk closer before getting pulled back.

"Hey!" He keeps me from walking up to it again.

"I just said I don't know what it is, so don't touch it." I cross my arms.

"Fine." I look back at the creature. It looks almost like an orange bird. It probably is an orange bird. It's laying down and it's feathers start really bright orange by its beak than get dark towards its tail. The bird seems to be guarding the plant that we need. My eyes widen when I realize what bird that is.

"Holy crap that's a Phoenix!" I might have said that to loud because Mason cover my mouth. To late. The bird lifts its head looking at us before jumping to its feet. It flys up a few feet before falling. It's wing looks bent out of shape.

"What do we do? We can't just leave it here with a broken wing." I nod my head.

"Oh we can bring it to Aria! She's helped plenty of animals back to health on the preserve." Mason nods.

"You get the plant, I'll get the bird." I nod. Mason goes ahead of me and carefully picks up the bird. The bird obeys and I pick up the plant.

"Ok let's go." Mason nods following me in the direction we came. Once we make it out I notice everyone has a plant. I guess since it's Atlantis it makes sense.

When Aria sees the bird she rushes over to us before clamping her hands over her mouth.

"I-is that a p- pheonix?" Me and Mason both nod.

"It has a broken wing. Can you fix it?" She nods.

"Yeah, yeah. I can fix it. Here hand her to me." How did she- "The feathers are slightly black at the end. So she's a She. Also she is just a tiny bird. She is maybe not even seven months. Aww she must have fallen when she was flying. It's ok baby I got you." I stare in shock at how she knows so much about a creature she has never seen. The creature certainly looks big though.

"That's a big baby." Aria giggles.

"Phoenix's Can get up to two feet long. This one is barely half of a foot. She's really not the big. She just looks big because her feathers are so long." She lifts up the feathers and shows she really is only a few inches. "Ok someone grab me my bag out of our bungalow." Drake quickly runs off and comes back a few minutes with her bag. "Thank you." She opens the bag and pulls out popsicle stick looking things and tape she uses on animals. She pulls the phoenix's wing out carefully than lays the sticks on the wing. She wraps it in tape that picks up the bird so it can rest on her arm.

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