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Karter's POV

I woke up to my dad grumbling on about something. He was standing in the doorway of the bedroom, hands on his hips. I'm still snuggled into Mason's chest. His arms still around me tightly.

"You two! Up! We have arrived." My dad says. I groan waving him off. I slowly start to fall asleep again. "Both of you! Up." I groan again before finally getting up.

"I'm up jeez." I wave my dad off.

"Well get Mason up. We landed." My dad walked out of the room after he said that. I turned around and shook mason.

"Mason, get up." I shake him. He groans.

"No." He swiped my hand away. He puts his hand on my stomach pushing me back on the bed. He keeps his arm firmly around my waist not letting go.

"Mason we have to get up. We have a plan to, well plan." I smack his arm.

"Fine." He lifts his arm then leans over to give me a kiss. "I'll get up." He gets up grabbing me in the process. We head out of the plane together.

Oh you two finally made it out.
Glacier's voice drifts into my head.

"Shut up. When did you get out here?"
I roll my eyes at him.

Actually I was the first one out.
Glacier sticks his snout out. I chuckle rubbing it. We put the animals in the suitcases and follow the rest into the airport. We grab our bags and head out to the boat docks to get our ride to the island we are going to. Nobody was willing to take us there so we have to go ourselves. Luckily we have a dragon who can fly ahead to find a route.

"Here's the boat." Jackson points out. Everyone rolls their bags on to the boat thanking the manager. We dump our bags in the small cabin before going our separate ways. My dad and Jack stay to drive and Liam stays with them. Glacier flys up to see the route. Mason and I go to the back of the boat where no one can see us. He sits down in a chair and I sit down straddling him.

"Hi baby." He smiled pecking my lips. I smile back. I rest my head on his chest, wrapping my arms around his neck. He rubs my back with one hand while the other rest on my thigh. "Are you nervous?" He asks.

"Yeah. I think everyone is." I answer. Mason nodded. He pulled me closer. I leaned on his chest closing my eyes.

"You should nap." Mason said. I nodded sleepily. Before I even got to sleep glacier's voice drifted into my head.

I hear his voice yell in my head. I turn around and sure enough that's where he is.

"What is it?"
I ask him.

They have people waiting for us on the island. They know we are coming!"
He shouts. I nod before looking to Mason.

"What is it?" He asked.

"I have to go talk to my dad." I said. Mason nodded letting me go. I find my dad in the cabin.

"Hey Karter whats up?" My dad asks.

"They know we are coming and have people waiting for us." I tell them.

"Oh. Asks glacier to find an alternative route." Jack says. I nod before linking him.

"Glacier is there an alternate route?"
I asked.

Yeah on the far left side. But we'd have to still sneak around guards on the island to the bunker we are staying in.
Glacier informs.

"He said on the far left side." I say. They nod before changing course. I head back out to mason. He smiles when I come up to him.

"Are you good now baby." He asked. I roll my eyes before nodding. "Come here. Sit down." He pats his lap. I sit down sideways. His hand immediately goes to rub my stomach. His kisses the side of my head. "Are we taking a detour?" He asks. I nod.

"Yeah. Where we were going was packed with guards. So we are going around." I say. Mason nods.

"Ok." He says. "You remember what I said right baby. You are not to purposely use yourself as bait. You will stay near someone at all times." Mason says. I nod my head looking away. "Karter!" Mason growled.

"What?" I asked innocently.

"Tell me you are going to stay near people." Mason says raising his brow. I look at him nodding. He nods too. He brings his hand to my cheek, caressing it. "I love you so much baby." He says.

"I love you too." I smile. He pulls me into a kiss. Not a fast and needy kiss like usual, but a slow kiss. He pulls away slightly before going to my neck. He leaves soft kisses down my neck to my collarbone. He begins to make more marks along the bone. "Mason! Stop it I don't need anymore." I say moving away.

"I think you do." He says continuing. I smack his head.

"No. Come on we should join the others." I say getting up. Mason sighs before following me. We find Aria and drake and sit next to them.

"Hey you two. We were wondering where you went." Aria says. Sage was resting on the back of her chair. I'm assuming Glacier was flying ahead still.

"We just relaxed in the back." I said. Mason nodded resting his hand on my thigh. Aria raised a brow before shaking her head.

"So where are we staying?" Drake asked.

"Well I'm sure there is abandoned huts but if it's their preserve they should know about them and check them regularly. Maybe we can find an off island." Mason said.

"Well there is multiple islands seeing as we are still technically in the Caribbean, we are just in the "Death Valley" of the Caribbean." Aria said.

"Really reassuring." I roll my eyes.

"Your welcome."

"Well maybe we should stop at another island first." Drake said.

"Well the island is huge so we should go I noticed for a few weeks. Possibly more. I know there are some spots they won't go so we will have to just take those spots." Mason said. We all nodded.

"Jeez it is hot out here." I fan myself off. The sun is getting hotter and I don't like it too much.

"It isn't that bad. Not even ninety." Aria said confused .

"Well it feels like it. Maybe I should go inside for the rest of the time." I said.

"Yeah go ahead." Aria said. Mason squeezed my thigh before letting me go. I head in the cabin and sit down in a chair. Glacier soon comes to find me. He presses his nose to my leg cooling me off.

"Thanks buddy."

Are you ok?
His voice said in my head

"Yeah just a little hot."

Are you sick?

"No. I don't think so."

Glacier pressed his nose to my leg again. Once again I cooled down. "Thanks glacier." He snorted than walked away.

A few minutes later my dad yelled from the front. "We have arrived." He said. I headed out to the deck. Surely enough a large island was before us. My dad stopped next to it letting us off. After we all got off with our bags, my dad pushed the boat so it floated away. When it got far enough out the boat sunk into the waves.

"Why didn't it do that when we were on it?" Aria asked.

"We are part of the magic community, the boat itself is not. Plus we have mason." My dad said. I spun my head to Mason. His eyes were wide. Aria looked confused and so did her dad. Drake and Jackson were trying not to laugh. Liam however was still being a moody kid and just staring at the ground. Why do we have this kid again?

"What does that mean?" Aria asked confused.

"Nothing. Come on. We have to find the cabins we will stay at. They should be over there." My dad points to a dark forests. Everyone, including the animals, looked scared. "Come on we don't have all day." We reluctantly follow him. Eventually we come across a cabin. But we notice lights on. We look at each other before my dad, and Jackson slowly creep up to the window.

"It's empty." He waved us all to the door.

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