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Me and Aria are taking a walk down by the beach. We are talking about everything that's happened and how Mason and Karter are perfect for each other.

"I mean Karter is kinda lonely when it comes to crowds. She won't talk to anyone unless they talk to her. Or she knows them." Aria explains.

"Same with Mason, except he just won't talk to anyone in general." Aria giggles.

"I think Mason will be able to help Karter. She has a problem with how she is. She hates her personality but loves it at the same time you know. She thinks she is super annoying and hates that. She also thinks she pries into peoples lives and she hates that too. She also thinks she is useless but that's her ex's fault. He used to tell her she was useless and unworthy of love. So now her self esteem is super low." I nod.

"Mason already likes her. He hasn't warmed up to someone that fast ever. I'm the last person he ever warmed up to and that was in the fifth grade and it took a full year." Aria laughs.

"Same with Karter. The last time she warmed up to someone was in the seventh grade, this was after me, and that friend was using Karter for her brother." I laugh. "Also I've noticed Mason has a big appetite just like Karter." I laugh again.

"They really are perfect for each other." Aria agrees. "So about what we just went through." Aria sighs.

"I know." Suddenly I thought pops up in my head.

"I had a piece of paper that guy from the dark guild gave us. I think it's in my bag in my room. Let's go find it." Aria nods taking my hand and rushing back to the bungalow. When we open the door I find Mason making something.

"What are you doing?" Aria asks. Mason looks up.

"Uh making food." I narrow my eyes.

"Why?" He glares at me.

"For Karter." Me and Aria look at each other before laughing.

"What are you making?" He rolls his eyes.

"A cheeseburger, why?" I chuckle. She really is his type.

"Nothing, carry on." Me and Aria walk to my room to find that peice of paper. "It should be in my bag." I grab my bag and find the piece of paper I shoved in there. "Here it is." I open it to read it.

"What does it say?" Aria asks peaking over my shoulder.

"It says: 'hello, niece. If you are reading this you know I'm alive. Not only am I alive but I have the dark guild still up and running. Also your little ex is here too. Don't worry about finding me, I'll find you. So enjoy your peace and quiet while it lasts. Love, uncle Killian.' That's not creepy." Aria has tears in her eyes. "Babe, don't cry. We have to show this to her so she is ready and Mason." She shakes her head.

"No. She's gonna flip and go back to hiding and running away." I nod.

"I know but she has to know. She has Mason now." She sighs looking at her hands.

"Ok but we all have to be there. Don't tell the new group." I nod and agree.

"Ok let's go tell them." She shakes her head.

"Not now. She most likely just told Mason about her ex." I stuff the paper bag into my bag.

"Ok. Oh hey do you still have that plant the other group found?" Her face lights up.

"Yeah, luckily we didn't need it to find the trident but we can use it in the future." She gets up. "We have to show that to Karter at some point." I agree.

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