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I just finished my sandwich I made. I was going to make one for Karter but she was talking to Aria and Jackson came in so I talked to him about our upcoming mission.

"So do you guys want me to come? I'm sure the preserve will be fine. I can have Colt run it." Jackson says finishing his food.

Colt is my cousin. He's more like a brother and is taking over my duties in the kingdom while I'm here. It's been about five months since I've seen him seeing as I came to Jackson's preserve after he called me to check on something. I haven't had a chance to go back because I got called to go to Atlantis. I agreed because Jackson became one of my best friends and I had to watch his sister.

"You can. I'll call Colt later. I'll drive out to the town so I can call without interference." I say. The kingdom doesn't get interference.

"I'll come. I want to beat the shit out of the man who killed my best friend." Jackson growls. Just as I'm about to answer him Karter walks in half smiling.

"Hey guys." She says walking to the fridge. She grabs a snack before sitting across from me at the island. Jackson raises a brow. I frown and look back over at Karter. She's looking down at her food frowning. I give Jackson a look signaling him to exit. He nods before leaving.

After he's gone I turn to Karter. "Baby, what's wrong?" I ask softly. She looks up shaking her head.

"I'm good." She answers. I scoff.

"Karter. Your not good." I say giving her a stern look.

"Yes I am! I'm just worried about my uncle." She says rolling her eyes. She gets up to leave walking to the door. I get up and follow her.

"Karter where are you going?" I ask grabbing her waist.

"Outside. I'm going to find Glacier." She answers wiggling out of my arms. She runs out the door escaping my arms.

"Karter!" I yell chasing after her. She dashes through the trees. She runs in a cave where Glaciar was sitting. I rush in after her.

"Karter! What the hell!" I yell.

"Go away!" She yells standing behind Glacier. He blocks her snorting at me.

"Karter what's wrong? Why are you running from me?" I ask giving a small glare to Glacier.

"Nothing." She huffs.

"Karter something is obviously wrong. Your running from.. Dammit Glacier! Go!" I yell at Glaciar who is trying to freeze me. He can try all he wants I'm royal blood.

Glacier whimpers standing next to Karter. Karter glares at me. "Really! You didn't have to yell at him." She says glaring.

"Karter why are you running from me? Did I do something?" I ask stepping closer to her.

"No." She answers looking down.

"Than what is it?" I ask lifting her chin.

"I showed my dad one of the notes.. the one that talked about you and he said I should try and make it seem like I care less about you. I agreed. If he finds out I care about you more than I did Brian he'll try to kill you." She confesses. I chuckle.

"Baby, he can't touch me. It'll be funny to watch him try." I laugh pulling Karter into me.

"You May be royal blood but my uncle is leader of the dark guild. Even I don't know what he can do." Karter says looking at me with pleading eyes.

"If I stay away from you when we get to the dark guild they are going to use that to take you. I can't let that happen." I say sternly forcing her eyes to mine.

"I'll have Glaciar and by than he'll be able to fly use most of his powers." She continues. "I-I just don't want him to take you, kill you, than I'll be left alone... with them." She says a single tear falling.

"Hey, I don't want to see a single tear fall from your beautiful eyes. I won't get caught and I won't get killed. If anything they'd be the ones dying. I will not hesitate to hurt your ex. Just promise me you won't go against my wishes and leave my side. Anyone's side. He will want you more than anyone so don't get out of site." I say rubbing her stomach trying to calm her.

"Fine. But I can't promise that it will be yours all the time." She says giving me a glare.

"Ok. Now come on let's get back so Aria doesn't kill me for letting you run out here." I say pulling her arm. By now Glaciar is gone probably bored of us by now.

"Wait! Can we go to the dragons? Please?" Karter pleads pouting her lip.

"No. Come on baby. The dragons aren't as restricted as the ones in Aflheim. They still have barriers but they can easily pick you up and kill you." I say pulling her along behind me. She stops.

"Just a little look?" She pleads again.

"Karter! You either go with me willingly or I pick you up and carry you over my shoulder to the house." I say sternly giving her a cold stare. She crosses her arms. Glacier trots beside her. She smirks than hops in Glacier who takes off in the trees. "Karter! Fucking hell!" I take off after them using my royal abilities to catch up with them. Once I'm right behind them I grab Glacier's tail pulling him back and catching Karter as she flys back.

"Hey!" She yells trying to escape.

"You gave me no choice." I say trowing her over my shoulder.

"Hey! Mason! Put me down." She groans. She's goes limp causing me to chuckle. After a little She pipes back up. "I have a question!" She says patting my back. "Nice view by the way." She laughs.

"What's your question? My view is better." I say smacking her butt causing her to gasp.

"Stop! You got to put me down first." Karter says smacking my back. I sigh before setting her down.

"What's your question baby?" I ask cupping her cheeks.

"So after this is over um your going to uh go back to your kingdom, right?" I nod. "Oh. So we won't be together after this." She says looking down.

"I won't leave you baby. We can worry about that when we get there. But my kingdom is going to need a king and queen when my parents decide to step down." I say kissing her forehead.

"Do you have a queen?" Karter asks causing me to chuckle. Why would she ask that. My arranged marriage was canceled a long time ago. She doesn't need to know that.

"Baby you are my queen. Your the only one I want. I love you." I say.

"Me! What if I don't do it right. I always mess things up." Karter says pulling back.

"You won't mess up. I'll be there next to you. You'll have my parents too." I press a kiss to her lips. "I love you so much baby." I say pulling her into me. I kiss her again with more passion. She responds immediately. Her arms go around my neck and mine go to her butt squeezing. She moans into my mouth making me go crazy. She pulls away.

"Can we go inside? It's hot." Karter asks. I chuckle nodding.

"Yeah come on." I pull her into the house.

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