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After me and Drake finished getting out stuff together we head to the living room. Everyone is there including Glacier, who is almost as tall as Karter, and Sage. Liam is standing on the wall watching everyone.

"Ok so we will take Mason's truck, my Jeep, and Karter's car." Chris says.

"Um I'm driving my own car. I don't trust any of you." Karter says squinting her eyes.

"Same with my truck." Mason says folding his arms.

"Well than you two have to split up for the trip." I say smirking. They look at each other before Karter turns to me smirking back.

"Ok." She shrugs. Mason nods.

"Well I'll go with Mason." Jackson says.

"I'll drive my Jeep. And I'll take some of the extra bags." Chris offers.

"I'll go with him." My dad says. "And your staying here for now." He says pointing to Liam.

"Why can't I chose." He pouts.

"Because I don't trust you enough." He answers him. Liam nods before walking out of the room.

"I'll go with Karter." I say looking at Drake. He nods.

"Me too." He confirms.

"Ok then. So than everyone put your bags in the cars and any extras go in the jeeps trunk." My dad says. We all nod carrying our bags out. Liam is already in the car. I put my big suitcase in Karter's car than my smaller backpack with me in the front seat. Drake does the same but he is sitting in the back. Karter puts glaciers bag in the backseat of Mason's truck. She decided he's riding with him since he has more room. Glacier agreed. We will just put a truck bed cover over him. He should just look like a lizard to regular people.

"Karter!" I hear Mason yell as he runs towards the car. He pulls Karter to the side as they share a passionate hot kiss. I stick my tongue out turning to Drake.

"Where's Glaciers cooler?" I ask watching as Glacier looks around for it.

"Chris is just getting it." He points to Chris dragging a big blue cooler. He puts it in the bed of Mason's truck. I nod. I pick up Sage's snacks and set them in the back seat. She's getting bigger so I packed as many snacks as possible.

I look back over at Karter and Mason and see Mason speaking softly to her. I roll my eyes and get in the front seat. Drake gets in and allows Sage to fly in. She sits in the center console chirping.

When are we leaving? How long is the trip?

"We are leaving as soon as Karter gets in here, and we are in Kansas and have to go all the way to Florida so about 21 hours."

So long.

I nod my head agreeing.

"Hey Aria." Drake says. I turn to him.

"I think we are going to have to force them apart." He points out the window to Karter and Mason still talking outside. Karter looks back at us before kissing Mason and heading towards us. She says bye to Glacier finally getting in the car.

Honestly I didn't think they'd be able to stay a part a whole day but Karter seems to be doing fine. Mason on the other hand, I don't think so. His facial expression is like she's walking away for good. It's kinda funny.

"Aria what are you laughing at?" Karter asks backing out of the driveway.

"I think it's funny how you seem to be doing fine and Mason looks like he's going to die." I giggle.

"He'll be fine." She says. I already know by her tone she's going to get irritated very quickly so I decide to shut up. I turn to Drake and do the 'Zip it' motion so he knows. He nods looking out the window.

Jackson's POV (surprise!)

We have been on the road five hours. It's 3:00 and we still have sixteen more hours. Glacier is sleeping in the back. We managed to get the seats down. Yeah I didn't know truck seats could do that either, but Mason got his customized so you fold them down and there's a compartment behind them that holds weapons. I guess the prince of the magical world would need that.

"Mason are you going to stop? You have to be hungry. I don't remember you eating anything this morning." I say looking at the food signs as we pass them.

"Fine. Where do you want me to stop?" He asks irritated.

"Jeez. What's wrong with you?" I say trying to get a rise out of him.

"Where do you want me to stop. If you don't answer me I'm not stopping." He growls.

"Just pull there. We can find a Taco Bell or something." I answer smirking. He pulls to an exit. We drive around a bit before he stops at a Taco Bell. We both get out. As soon as we get inside I go to order my food while Mason goes to the bathroom. As soon as he comes out I'm done ordering.

"Are you ordering?" I ask him.

"No. I'm not eating this shit. Their meat is like mystery meat you get at school." He answers rolling his eyes. "I'm going to the truck." He turns and takes long confident strides out the door. I chuckle turning back to the ordering stations in front of me.

He's always acts like he owns the place. Well he probably can. Even if regular humans don't realize it he is the highest position anyone can be in. Actually I take that back, Karter is in the highest position. If she becomes his Queen, and she will, she will be the one calling most of the shots. Women are held higher in the magical world. They were the ones who made it what it is today. They also pretty much already rule the magical world. Most of the high positions are female like the fairy queen, the dragon queen, the trolls leader is female, and so on.

Well technically the gods are the highest power but they haven't been in contact with humans for centuries so we don't go to them for anything anymore.

My name is called and I rush up to get my food. I make sure it's what I ordered I thank the cashier and head out to truck.

When I open the passenger door I'm surprised to see Glacier with his head in the middle.

"Hey buddy." I say patting his head. He snorts pouting. "What's wrong?" I ask him.

"He misses Karter. He is her familiar you know." Mason explains sarcastically. I roll my eyes.

"Ok ok. Well maybe we will meet them up somewhere." I say trying to reassure Glacier, and maybe Mason.

"Hopefully because if Glaciers sad Karter's sad. They share emotions." Mason says starting the car.

"Won't you guys have a connection?" I ask him.

"Yeah we will have a bond. It will never be like her and Glacier's though." He explains. I nod sitting back in my seat watching the trees pass by.

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