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As we make it into the living room I notice everyone is talking about the upcoming mission.

"Uh guys." I say getting everyone's attention.

"What's wrong Karter?" Aria asks looking at the blue paper in my hand.

"Uh here." I hang Aria the paper. She reads it over before covering her mouth and handing it to Mason. Mason shakes his head than hands it to Drake.

"When did you get this?" Mason asks looking straight into my eyes. I look down.

"The store." I say knowing what's about to come.

"And you didn't tell me?! Why didn't you tell me?" He asks his eyes show a little hurt.

"There is a spy on my preserve!" Jackson yells throwing the note on the ground. He storms out of the room probably warning the staff. I look back at everyone else.

"Were you going to tell us?" Drake asks.

"I didn't want anyone to get hurt. I was worried that if you knew it would put a bigger target on our backs." I say. Suddenly a loud yelp is heard from the back yard. We all rush out seeing Jackson on the ground and his side bleeding. I look to the right and notice a boy about seventeen holding a gun. It's not a gun that hold bullets though. It's a small dart gun.

I grab a knife from my shorts running after him as he runs into the trees. Mason is right next to me as we hurry after him.

"Karter!" Mason yells. I look over at him. He points to the tree in front of us. I stop moving to look up. Sure enough the boy is sitting up there holding the gun so it's pointing at us.

"Hey! Why are you here? Your so young." I ask the kid still standing in a defensive position. I don't know why I keep calling him kid, I'm about the same age as him.

"M-my dad, and I'm seventeen!" The boy says his finger sitting on the trigger. Mason stands next to me ready to attack the kid or probably take a dart.

"Your dad is in the dark guild?" Mason asks slowly softening showing he means no harm. "Listen you can get out of it. Just stick with us. I can get you a job at the royal preserve even!" Mason says trying to coax the boy down.

"The royal preserve? That's a lie! No one is allowed in there!" The kid yells pointing the gun back up.

"Not for me! I can easily get in. I'm a good friend of the Royals. Even Karter. She knows the prince." Mason says pointing to me.

"Yeah! He's super nice." I say honestly. The boy doesn't need to know he's talking to him. "I'm about the same age as you! Why don't you come down and we can talk. You don't have to talk to him you can talk to me. Teen and teen." I say trying to get him to understand.

"You can really get me out of this?" He asks slowly lowering the gun.

"Yes!" I say nodding. The kid nods slowly climbing down.

"Ok um here." The boy hands Mason the gun.

"Thanks. Come on let's go inside. It's safer in there." Mason says as he begins to walk towards the house. The boy follows him with me behind. The boy look back at me before quickly turning back around.

When we make it back to the house we automatically take him to Jackson's study. Aria's dad, Jack, is there probably stepping in while Jackson is resting.

"What's your name kid?" Jack asks gesturing at a chair. The boy sits down while me and Mason sit on a couch.

"Uh Liam." The boy says nervously. Jack nods. He reaches down for a file of some sort. While he does that Liam look my direction smirking. I wince scooting closer to Mason. He looks down at me kissing my head.

"Ok Jackson has some Dark Guild files here. What's your dads name?" Jack asks flipping through a binder.

"Oh uh Keith Moore." Liam says looking at the binder.

"Keith Moore." Jack repeats flipping to a page. "Ok Keith Moore. It says he was married for three years, had twins, and joined the dark guild."

"Wait twins? I'm an only child?" Liam questions.

"Nope. It says twins. Two boys. Uh Liam and Hunter." Jack says pointing to a name. "It says your mother left when you were two. She must of not agreed with your fathers decision. What's your fathers position?" Jack asks.

"Third in command." Liam explains.

"That's why he's in here. Well you have a twin, and a mother." Jack says putting the binder away.

"Ok. Do I have a room?" Liam asks looking at me.

"Yeah Jackson has a room for unexpected guests." Mason says standing up. I stay seated as they disappear out the door.

"He has a twin. Do you know where they could be? Not living a normal life because you can't after you get into this." I say walking to the desk.

"Probably a hidden preserve where Keith can't find them." Jack says.

"I'll have to ask grandpa if he ever met someone named hunter. What was his mom's name?" I ask.

"Hailey." He answers. I nod.

"Ok. Thanks." I say heading out the door. I go to find Mason. He's walking out of a room with Liam trailing behind him.

"Sin." I call walking up to him.

"Hey baby." He greets. I look around at Liam.

"Do you need directions for anything?" I ask.

"Um the kitchen please." Liam says. I point down the hall.

"Straight down there." I say. He thanks me heading down there. I look back up at Mason. He looks at me a second before planting his lips on mine. His tongue finds its way into my mouth before he pulls away.

"I love you so much, Karter." He says kissing my lips again.

"I love you too!" I answer smiling. Mason nods before placing a single kiss on my neck. He rests his head there for a second before sighing.

"You smell good." He says kissing my neck again.

"Mason, we are in the hallway!" I scold pushing him away.

"Than let's go to the bedroom." He says a devilish glint in his eye.

"What if I said yes?" I whisper causing his eyes to widen. Than his lips find my ear.

"You would be all mine." He whispers causing me to shiver. "I thought you didn't like the whispering baby?" He teases leaving a light kiss below my ear. I let a tiny moan escape. Mason pulls away leaving a small kiss on my lips. "I love you baby." He says kissing my forehead.

"I love you too!" I say smiling. He chuckles before grabbing my hand. Come on it's getting late we should go check on Jackson." He says pulling me down the hall.

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