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We have been on the plane for a whole day and still have another twenty four hours to go. Mason is currently sleeping on a bed that is in the back of the plane. I'm watching the clouds in the sitting area.

Earlier Mason and I played some games, talked, and decided on a plan. We decided we were going to text Aria than head to Alfhiem than after we all meet up there we will go to the boy's preserve than to where my uncle is supposedly hiding.

As I'm sitting in my seat a suddenly feel something odd in my underwear. I realize what it is jumping into action and grabbing a pad from my bag. I use tampons when I'm running or working on the preserve.

I rush to the bathroom and do my business before feeling satisfied and heading back out to the lounge area. I sit in my seat and admire the beautiful dark sky as it passes by. I've always loved nighttime but watching it in a plane is so much better.

Suddenly I'm picked up and carried to the bedroom. I know it's Mason by the way his arms feel and his scent.

He lays me on the bed before getting in behind me and cuddling me. "Goodnight baby." He says half asleep.

"Night Mason." I answer back before drifting into another dreamless sleep.

Me and Drake just landed in Florida. We decided to take a rental so Karter didn't chew me out for stealing her car. We decided we were going to drive to where we left Drake's car than drive to Alfhiem.

"Ok babe get in." Drake says opening my door. I thank him getting in.

"I'm going to text Karter. If she saw the note she is most likely on her way here. Or Mason is forcing her to come." Drake nods.

"Yeah I don't think she'd stay in the same place for long with him on the loose." Drake says.

"Yeah." We sit in silence for a little bit before I turn on the radio. We sing whatever Is on the radio all the way until we make it to where we left Drake's car. I drive the rental car to a rental car place to drop it off. Than I hop into Drake's car.

"Drake?" I say sweetly. Her turns to me.

"Yes?" He asks.

"Can we get foooood?" I ask as sweetly as possible. He laughs.

"Yeah I'm hungry myself." He pulls over to a McDonald's. We order a twenty piece chicken nugget with two large cokes. We eat than on the road again. It starts getting dark so I fall asleep

I wake up the next morning and quickly get changed into some jean shorts, that I almost didn't put on, and a white cami. I do my bathroom business than head out to find Mason. He's sitting on a chair in the main part of the plane watching a movie. Suddenly the plane shakes hitting turbulence. I let out a small scream falling to the ground.

The pilot comes on over speaker. "Sorry for the bit of turbulence. Hope you two didn't get thrown to much." I quickly stand up. Mason noticed I was here after the scream and quickly checks to make sure I'm ok.

"Mason I'm ok." He shakes his head. Suddenly I hear a small snort from the front of the plane. I remember we put Glacier in a fire proof coated room just in case.

I go to see him. "Hey Glacier!" He snorts rubbing my leg. "Want to come out here with me and Mason?" I ask him. He sorta nods. He follows me out as I go sit next to Mason. Glacier curls up at our feet. Mason rests his hand on my thigh. He turns his head towards me.

"We still have awhile so I'm watching the avenger movies." I squeal than quickly cover my mouth. My eyes widen.

"D- did I just squeal?" I ask. I've always gotten excited but I've never squealed.

"Yes and it was very cute." He says smiling while rubbing my leg. I blush. Glacier's cold nose touches my leg causing me to jump.

"Hey." I look down at him. He looks at me than lays back down.

"Anyway I think it is very cute that you have a love for avengers movies." I nod.

"Definitely. I didn't know you liked them." He chuckles.

"Of course baby. I guess we were meant to be." He says. I roll my eyes.

"That was cheesy." He smiles a genuine smile that so far only I have witnessed.

"But it's true. It also reminds me. Baby I have a serious question for you." I look at him.

"Yes?" Maybe it won't be as bad as I'm thinking.

He grabs my hand pulling me onto his lap so I'm straddling. "Will you be my girlfriend?" When those words came out of his mouth I swear my heart stopped.

"R- really?" I ask not sure if he meant it.

"Of course baby. I want you to be mine. Not that your weren't already mine. I want it to be official. Please say yes baby." I smile.

"Yes!" He smashes his lips onto mine. He pulls me as close to him as possible. He runs one hand up and down my back while the other has a hold on my  thigh. He tilts his head deepening the kiss.

We break apart after a few minutes. I try to catch my breath. Mason doesn't seem out of breath however because he immediately attacks my neck with kisses.

"Mason." I moan out running my hand through his hair.

"Yes baby. Say my name." I moan as he hits my sweet spot. I can feel him smirk against my skin. He begins to suck gently on my sweet spot. His hands rest on my thighs squeezing each time I let out a moan.

Finally he pulls away resting his forehead on mine. "I know I've only known you for about a month but baby I love you. I understand if you can't repeat those words but just know that I love you." My eyes widen.

"You l- love me?" Mason nods.

"I do. I fell in love with you the moment I saw you. When I first saw you I thought you were the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. Than I got to know you and I fell in love farther than I ever thought I could. In my eyes your perfect and I can't wait to see what the future will be like for us." He says making me almost cry at how sweet his words are.

Do I love Mason? I know my feelings are strong for Mason. I've never had this feeling with Brian. I think I do love Mason.

"Mason I um I love you too." I say shy. I don't know why. I'm still scared of rejection even though he just told me the same thing.

Mason kisses me in a passionate short kiss. "God I love you." He says nuzzling my neck. I giggle covering my mouth after the sound leaves my lips. "Mm so cute." Mason says. My face is beet red.

"Did I just.. giggle." Mason chuckles nodding.

"You did. Guess we are learning new things everyday." He says kissing my neck lightly before pulling away. "Guess glacier left awhile ago." I look down at the floor and he has indeed left.

"Can we finish avengers?" I ask. He has paused it when he was asking me his question.

"Yeah. But you stay here till we land." He says turning me so I'm sitting on his lap so I can see the screen.

"Ok." I say agreeing as he turns on the movie.

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