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I make it to the third chapter before I realize something. Every three pages has a blank spot at the bottom where there should be four or five lines. Not like at the end of the chapter gap, they are in the middle of chapters.

I run my fingers over the blank space feeling the smooth surface. Smoother than it should be. Not regular book paper.

I reach into my bag and pull out a black light. I flash it over the blank but nothing happens. I sigh putting it back.

"What's wrong?" Drake asks looking up from his book.

"I'm pretty sure this book has secret messages in it." I say showing him the pages. He reaches over touching the pages.

"Put water on it." He says.

"Water? Won't that just ruin it?" I ask curiously.

"No, as long as you put the water on the smoother patches you shouldn't ruin it. The patches are water proof. It's an old method but still the best." Drake smiles before going back to his books. I go into the bathroom and grab a rag running it under cold water. I dab the small patches on smooth paper with it. A couple seconds later words begin to appear. Extra lines. They are in English, however, unlike the rest of the book.

I read through the lines learning more info on the Bermuda Triangle I have ever had.

BRIAN'S POV (surprise)

I chuckle as I watch Killian walk out of his bedroom followed by Hannah. "What are you laughing at boy?" He glares heading down the hall.

"Well Karter is so close to reaching us. I can finally have my little love back." I sigh following him.

"Shut up. You never liked that bitch for one second. You just want to fuck her." Killian stares.

"Yeah Your right," I smile. "But who wouldn't, have you seen her. I waited to long when we were dating, now I have to force it on her. It's her fault really." I shrug. "And now she's with that bitch, Mason." I scoff.

"Do you even know who mason is?" Killian asked. I give him a confused look. "The prince of magic." Killian rolls his eyes.

"The prince of what?" I've never heard that term.

"You know like the prince of darkness, Dracula's son. The prince of the night, Lycaon's son, and so on." Killian scoffs. "Anyway you remember the plan right?" He asks eying me.

"Yes, I have to make sure the boyfriend is there to watch as We torture her to her death." I shake my head. "It really is too bad, she was to be the protector of the magical world. We could have lived happily in Atlantis." I sigh shrugging. "Oh well. It's Hecate's fault for broadcasting a prophecy."

Killian nods at my statement. "Good. Now go make sure the traps are set and my men are ready for their arrival. Wouldn't want them to be unprepared."

About three hours later I finish writing down the information I learned. We still have about two hours left and Mason and Aria are still sleeping.

I look over at mason and smile. He has a small smile on his lips and he is cuddling a pillow. A strand of hair has fallen down across his face. He looks adorable. How did I get so lucky in finding a perfect guy. Usually these relationships don't last or they just get boring. But Mason and I have been together for about three months and I don't feel bored at all. There is always something new with him. I just drew the lucky straw I guess. But it's still too early to say anything is for sure.

And Aria. She got lucky too. I mean she found someone she actually agreed to date. She isn't too keen on the idea of dating because she knows of the dangers from what happened to me. I was never to sure about it either but I took the chance with Mason.

"I'm going to try to get some sleep." Drake says putting the books away. I nod. He lays down next to Aria. I sit on the bed Mason is sleeping on and put my head in my hands.

I squeeze my eyes shut and open them standing up. I decide to take a walk down to the bar on the lobby for some water. I take the elevator down and when I get there only about four people are sitting there. I smile at them and take a seat close to the end.

"What Can I get ya?" The bartender asks laying his hand in the counter.

"Just a water please." I answer.

"Alright. If you need anything stronger let me know." He winks than heads to the tap next to the soda guns. When he slides the drink to me a man sits down.

"You look a little stressed. How about I get you a drink." The man said. He looked to be in his late twenties. He started to wave the bartender over.

"No it's fine. I'm just trying to think." I said smiling.

"Well a little alcohol should get your brain going." The man said.

"No thank you. I'm underage anyway." I said. Why doesn't he get the hint.

"Well I won't tell anyone. Come on." He slides his hand closer to mine. I retract mine and set it on my lap.

"I said no." I said a little more annoyed.

"Why not. Don't be such a bitch." He says getting angry.

"Excuse me. What did you just call me?" I ask standing up.

"A bitch. What are you gonna do about it? Huh little girl?" He taunted. I reached my hand down to my knife strapped on my waist. I brought it back up when I realized it wasn't needed. "Come on, let's just go back to my room. I'll teach you a lesson." He said getting closer. Before I could think, I threw my left fist at his face.

People around me looked at me like I killed the man.
"Fucking bitch." He goes to throw a punch at me I quickly duck. But I didn't realize he was throwing his other fist and it caught me on the jaw. It didn't hurt bad but I'm definitely going to have a bruise. I get up wiping the blood off my lip. I swing again Than knee him in his abdomen. He falls to his knees.

"That's where you belong. On your knees below the very people you hurt." I throw another punch to his face knocking him out.

"Hey! You! Follow me." A women in dress pants and shirt. I glare at the people surrounding me before following the women. She waves two guards to get the man, or little boy. She leads us to a door which leads to an office. "Sit." She points to chairs in front of the desk. "I don't need people fighting in my hotel. I expect you to be out in an hour." The woman said.

"I'll be out of here sooner." I get up. "Anything else?" I asked the manager. She shakes her head. "Than I'll be heading out." I said. I head out the door. As soon as I get behind the door I roll my eyes. I hurry to the elevator trying to avoid any other human interaction.

When I reach the room I knock furiously hoping to wake someone up. Luckily it does and it's Aria.

"Karter? Why aren't you in the room?" She asks yawning. I step into the room closing the door behind me.

"I went down to the bar to try and think but some guy in his thirties decided to get a little too friendly, anyway we have to be out of the hotel ASAP." I explained.

"What? What did you do?" Aria asked. She was fully awake now.

"I punched the guy." I said sitting down in a chair. Mason and drake were still asleep.

"Karter! You can't just punch people! We are in a hotel." Aria said. She sighed sitting down.

"I'm sorry but he was trying to get in my pants. What else was I supposed to do?" I said.

"You could have just walked away." Aria said.

"He called me a bitch." I stood up and went to my bag.

"What are you doing?" Aria asked.

"I'm putting my stuff together so I'm ready." I said.

"Ok." She turned to her bag and did the same.

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