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Me and Mason are in the hotel room we rented near the airport. I've already called Aria letting her know we are on our way. It's eleven and Mason just came out of the bathroom after a quick shower. I already took mine.

He's wearing just his boxers. Which he where's every night for pjs. I've just never really noticed because he always comes in when I'm sleeping. And let's just say he looks very sexy in just his boxers.

"Baby what are you wearing?" I look down at my pjs confused. I'm wearing what I always wear. Booty shorts and a t-shirt.

"Pjs?" He shakes his head.

"Who's shirt is that?" I smile

"Um yours? I found it and it smelled good." He chuckles.

"Your fine. But those shorts are really killing me." He's seen me in them before.

"Why? I thought you have already seen me in them? Do they look weird?" I ask unsure. I've always thought shorts looks weird on my body.

"No they look perfect. You look perfect. They just are so short baby. They show off your beautiful smooth legs." He says pecking my lips rubbing my thigh. I blush. I blush so much around Mason I'm sure I could go around in a tomato costume and no one would notice.

"I wouldn't say smooth." I say self-consciously touching my stretch marks.

"I told you to stop doing that. They are beautiful and it is part of what makes you, you. Karter I wish you could see what I see. Your always so confident until you start thinking about your image." He stands up pulling me with him. "C'mere." He pulls me to the floor length mirror. "Look, this is what I see." He rubs my thigh. "Beautiful smooth sexy thick thighs." He brings his hand up rubbing my sides. "A curvy waist and hips." He rubs over my stomach. "A gorgeous stomach that will one day carry beautiful children." I blush. He slowly runs hand up my side brushing the sides of my breast. He smirks bringing his hand up to trace my collarbone. "A sexy collar bone that is full of my marks." I blush harder. He turns me around to I'm looking directly at him and not in the mirror. He traces my cheekbone. "Gorgeous hazel blue eyes and soft pink full lips that feel perfect against mine." I'm sure my face is blushing and tears are threatening to escape. He turns me around so I'm looking at myself in the mirror again. He wraps his strong arms around my waist. "Now do you see the beautiful Karter that I see? That everyone sees?" I nod.

"Thank you Mason. No body has ever done that." I sniffle. "Do you really see that?" I ask. Suddenly I remember when I was younger and used to love my body image. Mostly because no one was there to put me down about it. But when I got older and out into the real world people would do it all the time. The preserve was better than people. I loved the preserve more than people. I loved everything better than the judgmental people in the outside world.

"I do Karter. I see all of that and more. Your appearance isn't even the beginning. Your personality is so beautiful as far as I can tell. That's why I love you Karter. That's why Aria loves you, your parents, grandparents, that's why your brother loved you." Now my tears have really started.

"I love you too Mason." I say wiping my tears. Mason pulls my back to him burying his face into my neck.

"It makes me so sad when you say you don't like what you see in the mirror." I put my hands over his.

"I promise I won't do it anymore." Mason kissed a single kiss on my neck before resting his chin on my shoulder and rubbing my stomach.

"Good because I really don't want to have this conversation again." I nod understanding.

"Ok. Can we please get some sleep?" I ask yawning.

"Yes baby. Come on." He pushes me slightly towards the bed turning the light off on the way there. He pushes me down on the bed climbing in after me. He rest one leg on top of mine and his arm as tight as possible around me.

"Goodnight Sin." I say realizing I used a shortened version of his name.

"Mm only you can call me that ok babe." I nod blushing. "Ok goodnight baby." I snuggle in as close as possible. My eyes however are still open while I try to remember if I left food for Glacier in the car. "Yes you left him his stuff. Now go to sleep. And I don't want you dreaming about those horrible people who made you think your ugly. I want you to think about me telling you your absolutely gorgeous and even more gorgeous each time you tell me I love you. You can also dream about me touching you in places only I can touch." I blush. "Like here." His thumb runs over my breast. I let out a small moan. "Now go to sleep babygirl. Love you." He says retracting his hand and wrapping it around my waist.

"Love you sin."

When I wake up Mason is up and dressed. I pull my covers up refusing to get up yet.

Suddenly a heavy weight is pressed over me. "Hey get off of me!" I say. After I get no answer I pull the blanket down just past my eyes. I'm greeted with Icey blue eyes and immediately pull the blanket back up.

"Na ah. Baby show me those eyes again." He pulls the blanket back down meeting my eyes. "Hi baby." He says smiling. That makes me smile.

"Hi." He chuckles before getting off of me and pulling me up.

"You adorable baby you know that?" I nod.

"Of course. Now we have to hurry because Glacier is growing and probably very hungry." He stops me pecks my lips than pats my butt telling me to keep going.

"I'll grab your suitcase. You go check out." I nod grabbing my phone and heading to check out. I hand in the keys and go out to meet Mason by the hotel doors.

"Um we parked over there right?" I ask pointing to the parking garage next to the airport.

"Yeah come on." I follow him over to the crosswalk. I take my suitcase as we walk to the parking garage. I rush to my car opening it to a happy Glacier. And yes I left the windows down.

Glacier immediately presses his nose to my arm. "Hey buddy! I'm sorry we had to leave you in here. I don't think they want a dragon in their hotel though." Glacier huffs. "Ok well we have to get on the road so stretch your legs a bit buddy." I say opening the door wider so he can get out. Glacier hops out saying hi to mason before walking around a bit stretching his growing legs. After a few minutes he hops back in the car and me and Mason hop in the front seat. Me in the driver seat.

"I wanted to drive baby." Mason says whining.

"Stop whining. You can drive later. I want food." He grumbles before agreeing with me and holding my hand.

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