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We all head inside and head to my grandpa's study. There we all sit on the couches that are placed evenly in a square. Mason and I sit on one together.

"Ok so Karter you got various notes from your uncle?" My grandma asks.

"Yes. He sent two notes. Both threats about taking me as a prize for Brian." I say strongly.

"Ok and you two are from Jackson's preserve, correct?" My mom asks the two boys.

"Well we helped Jackson's preserve, but yes." Mason answers.

"Ok and you all are going to the preserve after you leave here?" My mom asks us all.

"Yeah. We were wondering if any of you would like to go?" I ask. My dad immediately jumps up.

"Any chance to beat my brother up for being an absolute asshole." My dad says. My mom slaps his stomach.

"Language." My dad rolls his eyes. My dad turns to Aria's dad.

"You coming too Jack?" My dad asks. Jack nods.

"Not going to miss the chance either." He says. My grandpa shoots them a look to sit down.

"Now you girls have opened Atlantis right." We nod. "Good. And Karter has decided to become caretaker?" My grandma asks.

"Yes. I think I'm ready." Grandpa nods.

"Alright. Did you send the blueprints for the house Lily." My grandpa asks Aria's mom.

"Yes we sent it this morning. It was from a project I was already working on. I'll just make a new one." Lily says.

"Ok.  Is it's already one so let's make lunch." Grandma says standing up.

"Yay! I'm starving." I say rubbing my stomach.

"When aren't you hungry." Aria says. I shoot her a glare. "Ok we are making sandwiches and salads. You guys stay in here. We'll get it." Aria says.

"Ok you kids do that." My mom says. I roll my eyes.

"What was that Karter." She asks staring me down.

"Nothing mother. Hey after lunch can I show Glacier to the other dragons?" I ask.

"Sure honey. Now go make us food." My mom says shooing is out. We all laugh heading to the kitchen.

"I call cutting the vegetables." I say quickly grabbing tomatoes, carrots, and strawberries.

"Ok I'll do lettuce." Mason says taking the lettuce I put out.

"Me and Drake will make sandwiches." Aria says.

"Ok." I answer.

Twenty minutes later we are done. The food neatly placed on the table. "Lunch is done." I yell. The adults immediately rush into the kitchen.

"Thank you. This is why we have children." Aria's mom says laughing.

"What?" Aria asks confused.

"I'm kidding. I love you." Arias mom says patting her head. "Now let me get my food." She pushes Aria out of the way.

"Rude." Aria mutters.

It's now three and we decided to take Glacier to the other dragons. Well me and Mason. "Come on Sin." I say not so patiently waiting by the back door.

"I know, I know. I'm coming." He says turning the corner followed by Glacier.

"What took you so long?" I ask.

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