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I wake up the next morning still curled up pressed to Mason. I wiggle trying to escape his iron grip. I look over at the bedside clock. The clock reads 8:45. I sigh before tuning back to Mason who has his eyes open now staring at me.

"Morning baby." He says kissing my lips. I smile.

"Morning Sin." I say closing my eyes again.

"Come on we have to get going if we want to get on the road again." Mason says getting off the bed.

"You shower first." I say curling back in a ball.

"Nuh uh baby. You go first or I'm carrying you in their, undressing you, and showering with you." Mason threatens. I'm still tired and his words don't register.

"Ok." I yawn pulling the covers to my chin.

"Ok fine." Suddenly I'm picked off the bed and carried into another room. I quickly open my eyes just as I'm sat on a counter. "You know I'd do it Karter." Mason says looking into my eyes. I narrow my eyes.

"I'm on my period." I say smirking. He chuckles.

"That won't stop me." He says his hand resting on my hips.

"Fine I'll take one first." I huff jumping off the counter. I grab my clothes from my suitcase and start to head back to the bathroom. I'm stopped by arms wrapping around my waist and lips whispering in my ear.

"Next time baby. Next Time I'll join you in that shower." Mason whispers before patting my butt and pushing me into the bathroom. I blush closing and locking the bathroom door. I take my shower and do my feminine stuff. I come out of the bathroom and wait for Mason to do his stuff. He comes out and pouts at my hair.

"What's wrong? Does it look bad?" I ask messing with the bun I have it in.

"No. Here." He stands behind me and pulls my hair out of its bun. "I like it down." He says kissing my lips. I smile.

"I like it down too but it looks a little messy wet." I say messing with the wet ends. Mason swats my hand from my hair.

"Stop it. It looks beautiful. Just like you." He says making me blush.

"Thanks." Suddenly a snort is heard on the other side of the door. "Hi Glacier." I say opening the door. He trots in nuzzling my leg. "Oh your cold." I say moving my leg. He whines. "I'm sorry buddy." I say rubbing his head scales. Mason squats down in front of Glacier.

"Hey buddy. Ready for a few more hours?" He asks Glacier rubbing his ear. Glacier nods. "Good. Come on now buddy." He says guiding him to the main room. As he gets Glacier in the suitcase I zip up our suitcases. I roll them out ready. Mason has the one with Glacier. We go down to the lobby and check out. We get back to the car and put our suitcases in the trunk and Glacier in the back. I get into the drivers seat ready to drive. Mason gets into the passenger seat.

"Ok let's go." I say before pulling out onto the highway.


Drake, dad, Karter's dad and me just pulled into my brothers preserve. We all pile out knocking on the door.

My brother answers the door. "Aria!" He says pulling me into a hug.

"Yeah the rest of us don't matter." My dad says. Jackson chuckles before hugging dad too.

"I haven't seen Aria in ages. I saw you a couple of months ago." He says hugging me again. "Hi Chris. Hey Drake." He says doing that man handshake thing. Drake steps back wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Um Jackson. Drake is my boyfriend..." I say kissing Drakes cheek. My brother squints his eyes at drake.

"You better take care of her." He says glaring at him before turning back to me smiling. "Come in I'll show you where you and Karter will stay." He says causing me to glance at Drake. "Drake you have your own room." Jackson glares. I roll my eyes. We follow Jackson to a guest bedroom that has a queen bed against a wall and a beach vibe to it.

"Thanks Jacky. I love it." I say jumping on the beds the last time I was here the rooms were different themed. He has them changed up every now and then.

"Your welcome. Now you two follow me." He says pointing to dad and Karter's dad. They follow him down the hall. Drake turn to me. He sits me in the bed.

"How do you feel?" He asks.

"I guess I'm just nervous. I'm nervous about the whole thing. What if someone gets hurt? What if my dad gets hurt? What if Karter gets hurt? What if- what if you get hurt?" I say looking at my hands. Drake tilts my head up

"Hey I'm not going to get hurt." He reassures me. However it's not enough. I can't help but feel that he will get hurt and we won't have enough potions to heal him. "Hey look at me." Drake says tilting my head back up to meet his eyes. "I know I've only known you for a month and a half but I love you Aria. I love you more than I'd thought I could ever love someone. Your my first love. You fill in whatever I'm missing. You don't have to answer me yet but just know that I love you." Drake says looking into my eyes. My jaw drops. He loves me? Do I love him? I know I like him a lot, but do I really feel that way towards him. I finally come to the realization that I do love him.

"Drake.. I love you too." I say concentrating on his mesmerizing eyes. He smiles before leaning in and capturing my lips into a short sweet kiss. When he pulls away he has a goofy grin on his face.

"I love you Aria." He says pecking my lips again. I smile. Just than my brother comes through the door.

"What are y'all doing?" He asks suspiciously.

"Nothing Jackson." I say rolling my eyes. Jackson shrugs before walking into the room.

"Well we are going to make lunch before Karter and Mason get here." Jackson says backing out of the room. I giggle as he pushes the door open wide than disappears down the hall. I turn back to Drake. He smiles before pulling me down next to him. He wraps an arm around me before kissing my forehead.

"Take a little nap. I'm sure your brother will get us when they get here." He says pushing my hair out of my face. I smile before nodding.

"Ok." I say cuddling into Drake. He pulls me close as I slowly drift of to sleep.

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