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After Mason and I got back inside Aria dragged me to her room. She said that Jackson told her to check the bruises and scars on my back. I reluctantly agreed.

"Oww! Aria, you said you weren't going to do that!" I said arching my back away from her.

"I'm sorry! The bruise is just so... blue. I needed to put aloe on it. Stop complaining!" She tells me smacking the bruise just to make me squirm. "How did this not hurt you when you ran? I swear if you say it's your special healing powers im going to slap you!" Aria says tugging my hair.

"Hey! And I wasn't going to say that, I was going to say it's from my high pain tolerance. Now can I go." I ask starting to stand up.

"Yes your good now." Aria says Patting my back again. I wince. "You should be ready in a couple days to go. We should start packing and stuff." She says walking out the door with me.

"Yes because I'm so excited to go look for my uncle, who tired to kill me, and my ex... who tried to kill me!" I yell huffing.

"You'll be fine. Just stick next to someone constantly." Aria tells me giving me a side look.

"Yeah I know, already had this conversation." I groan plopping on a couch.

"Good than you won't forget it!" She laughs patting my head. "I have to go find Sage, bye!" She yells walking out the door. I smile sitting back.

Honestly I'm really nervous about this mission. My anxiety, that is already through the roof, is giving me a headache. My mind is racing with different thoughts about going. So many people can die. People I love. Somebody can be kidnapped. Will everyone still like me knowing what this part of my life is like? Will Mason still love me when he meets my Uncle or ex?

I bury my head in my hands. I'm sure it will be fine. Right? It's not like my dad will forget about me and leave me with him, right? Drake won't leave Aria, Will he? What if he leaves her because of me? She'll never talk to me again!

I shake my head trying to make all of my negative thoughts disappear. Suddenly my head is lifted up and I'm staring into the blue eyes of Mason.

"Baby? What happened?" He asks sitting next to me and pulling me onto his lap. He rubs my stomach.

"Nothing. Just thinking about the trip." I smile.

"Hmm stop that baby. I can't guarantee that everything will go to plan but I can guarantee that I will love you no matter what. Aria, Drake, and your dad too." Mason says kissing my forehead. "Remember, you. Are. Not. To. Go. In. Alone!" He says sternly looking right into my eyes.

"Yes I know." I nod.

"Good." He says. "I have to go into town now to call someone. Want to come with me?" He asks. I nod standing up.

"Yeah! I need to get some food that Jackson doesn't have here." I say scrunching my brows.

"Ok come on baby." Mason says pulling me to the door. "My truck is here so we can take that." He says guiding me to a very sexy truck. The truck is a ford and black. Mason comes to the passenger side and I realized how sexy he looked next to it. He's wearing jeans and a white shirt that accentuate his large muscles.

"Karter?" Mason calls breaking me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I look over at him. He's looking at me with a raised brow.

"Come on." He gestures me over. I nod walking to the passenger side.

"Just saying your truck is sexy." I say starting to climb into the truck. Mason pulls me back.

"And me?" He asks kissing my neck.

"Mmm.." I hum causing Mason to nip at my sensitive skin. "Ok your definitely sexy." I smile. Mason spins me around attacking my lips. His tongue explores my mouth as his hands rest on my waist. He pulls away only to attack my neck. I let out little moans my hands finding his muscles.

He finally pulls away. He whispers in my ear. "I'll have to remember you think my truck is sexy. Maybe you'll like it more when I make love to you on it." My cheeks go red and my core heats up.

"Mason!" I say slapping his chest. He chuckles before helping me in the car.

"Just wait till that day comes." He says kissing my wrist. A shiver goes up my spine. He smirks closing my door and heading to his side. When he gets in the truck roars to life, literally, causing me to melt. As you can tell I love the sound and look of a nice truck. Mason's hand finds its way to my thigh.

"Your gonna be the death of me one day." He groans pulling out of the drive. I smile resting my hand on his.

The rest of the ride is silent expect for the music playing. Eventually we pulled into a little store for me to get snacks and Mason to call his cousin or whatever.

I hurry inside walking down the snack aisle and picking out some chips. As I turn around a man in a black and white suit stops me.

"Your Karter Halston, correct?" He asks taking a step towards me. I take one back.

"Uh who's asking?" I shoot back.

"Don't worry about it. Just came to deliver a message." The man hands a folded blue paper to me before disappearing around the corner. I'm tired of stupid notes but non-the-less I open the note. My eyes widen. I quickly grab a few more snacks before paying and hurrying out to the truck. Mason is still on the phone seeming mad. As I approach the car I hear him due to the windows being down.

"I don't fucking care! Get her out of there! I don't want to do that!" He yells. "Colt! Tell my parents that she can rot in hell for all I care. I was never going through with it anyway! Just get to the preserve!" He yells before hanging up. I get in the car setting my snacks in the floor.

"Why were you yelling?" I ask looking over at him.

"How much did you hear baby?" He asks in his soft tone.

"You said something about you weren't going to do something?" I say putting my seatbelt on.

"Shit." He whispers. "It's just Colt telling me unnecessary things. Did you get what you needed?" He asks looking down at my bags.

"Yep." I answer smiling. Even though he brushed off the topic I have a feeling I know what it is. I don't want to make assumptions to soon though.

"Ok let's head back than." Mason says pulling out of the parking lot. The way back is silent. I stare out the window. What if my assumption is true and Mason's going to leave me? What if he lied to me?

I shake my thoughts away when we pull into the drive way. We get out and I grab my snacks. I stock the fridge with them than head to the room I'm using. I open the note reading it again.

Dear Karter,
Remember your precious time is running low. Get here soon or your going to have a problem. I can have anybody in your family killed right now. I may have sent a spy. Good luck finding him.

Your dear uncle Killian.

I shake my head throwing it on the bed. My dad walks in sitting next to me.

"What was that?" He asks picking up the note.

"Killian." I say not even acknowledging that he's my uncle.

"Oh, I see. Well let's go. We have to tell Jackson." My dad says standing up.

"What if they find out than he kills them? I don't want anyone to die." I say putting my head in my hands.

"We also can't not tell them and get killed." He says pulling me up. "Come on." He says pulling me after him. I sigh before following him down where everyone else is.

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