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"Karter.. wake up... Come on baby, get up... I need you to wake up." I slowly open my eyes. My eyes open to the most entrancing eyes I've seen, Mason's. I groan.

"How long have we been asleep." I lay my head back down on his chest. Mason chuckles.

"A few hours babe. Come on don't fall back asleep." I nuzzle his chest.

"Why." He runs his hand through my hair.

"You need to go back down to Atlantis. King triton needs you." I quickly sit up than blush when I realize I'm pretty much straddling him.

"Sorry." He chuckles. I try to get off of him but he hold my hips in place. "What are you doing?" He sits up before standing up and walking up the stairs with my legs wrapped around his waist. "Mason?" He looks down at me.

"Yes?" I look at where he's taking me.

"Where are we going. Also aren't I heavy." He shakes his head.

"Your not heavy, baby girl. And I'm taking you to your room so you can change." I nod resting my head on his collar bone. Once we reach my room he sets me on the bed. "Meet me downstairs when your done." I nod and watch as he exits the room shutting the door. I get up and quickly throw on some leggings and a tank top. I grab my waterproof bag and make sure the tubes of the breathing potion is in there. I sigh out of relief and and head downstairs. I see Mason standing by the door waiting for me.

"I'm ready." He looks at me than my outfit.

"You can't wear that." I raise my brows.

"Why not?" He raises a brow.

"That shirt is to tight and those leggings are to tight around your ass." He says walking closer to me and squeezing my butt. I let out a yelp and step back.

"Hey!" He chuckles. "What else am I supposed to wear? It's either this or booty shorts." I huff putting my hands on my hips. He narrows his eyes at me before rolling them.

"Fine. But if one of those Alantians even glances at you I'm going to kill him." I roll my eyes before mumbling.

"Possessive much." He grabs my waist pulling me into a passionate kiss. He pulls away.

"Only for you." He than let's go of me and walks out the door. "Come on baby." I quickly snap out of my daze and follow him out of the door. We walk down to the beach to meet Drake and Aria.

"Thought you guys were never going to come. What. Took you so long." I shrug.

"I had to change." Mason nods. Aria shakes her head.

"Ok great so eat the potion thing and head down to Atlantis." I nod taking the underwater breathing potion and hand Mason one before taking some out on my finger and putting it on my tongue. I swallow it and start heading into the water after shoving the tube back in my bag. Mason follows after me and grabs my hand as we duck into the water.

Mason and I start swimming to the cliff and swim down to the now open Atlantis. We swim through the wall and find triton waiting there for us with his new trident.

"Welcome Karter.. and Mason." Mason rolls his eyes.

"Nice to see you too." Triton looks at me.

"Karter I need your help. I know you don't have the roll as caretaker yet but I need you to help the mermaids. Only some of them have moved back into Atlantis. Some of them don't want to move back in. They think Atlantis is going to go back to being above water." I nod.

"It can't go back above water. Although we need to bring the rest of it up. Do you know how to do that?" Triton thinks for a moment.

"You have to make it an official preserve I believe." I nod.

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