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"Baby. Babygirl. Hey wake up." I hear a familiar voice. I open my eyes meeting the bright blue ones of Mason. I try to sit up but my back cracks. I hiss.

"Hey. No lay back down. This is why I don't let you out of my sight." Mason says kissing my forehead. "Watch where you step next time. You might not be so lucky."

"S- sorry." I say rubbing my temples. I look around and notice I'm in a black bed. My dad is standing next to the bed crossing his arms.

"Karter." He says sternly.

"Uh yes?" I ask shyly.

"Why did you run off without Aria?" He asks angry.

"I'm sorry. I wanted to see what the dragons were like. Aria said they weren't nice and I wanted to see." I said looking down. Both men sigh.

"Don't run off on property you don't know." My dad says sternly.

"I know." I say. I look to Mason. He tilts his head in confusion.

"What?" He asks.

"Are you going to chew me out too?" I ask.

"No. You learned your lesson when you fell into the hole. You are to take it easy for a week for your back. After that we will work on leaving." Mason says. He looks at my dad. My dad nods before stepping out. "Your no longer allowed out of my sight. I don't know what I would have done if you landed wrong and something worse happened." He says sighing. "I love you Karter. So much." Mason says kissing my lips.

"I love you too. Can you lay down with me. I'm tired." I say closing my eyes. Mason chuckles before climbing in next to me.

"Well it's only eight but goodnight baby." He says kissing my neck once and wrapping an arm around my stomach. I can't lay on my side so I have to lay on my back.

Mason's hand rubs my stomach. I feel his naked chest against my arm. Guess he's already in his boxers.

"Goodnight Sin." I say before darkness over takes me.

Chris comes out of the room.

"She's not paralyzed is she?" I ask even though I was told she's fine.

"No. Just sore. She's probably going to sleep. Also she's is to take it easy for a week." Chris finishes.

"I highly doubt she's going to do that but we can try." I say. Chris nods.

"Yeah. We can try." He chuckles. "I'm going to go eat something before I go to sleep. You kids have fun. And Aria your dad already went to bed." I nod. He walks off to the kitchen.

I look over to drake before opening the door to the bedroom. I giggle when I see the two cuddled up in the bed. It's very ironic as Karter hates feelings.

Glacier walks past us into the room. I smile before closing the door. Drake pulls me to a lounge before sitting us both down on a couch.

"So are you sure your ready for this trip?" Drake asks holding my hand.

"Yeah. I kinda have to be. It's just... we are going in blind. We don't know what's happening." I say sighing.

"I feel the same. How does Karter feel?" He asks.

"Well I don't actually know as Karter literally tells no one anything, but usually she just goes with the flow. She's probably not as nervous or scared as the rest of us. She'll probably just go with however it goes." I shake my head. "But she can't this time. I really hope she doesn't get herself in trouble. She does that a lot, obviously."

"She does." Drake agrees. "Do you know how your dad feels?" He asks running a finger over my Knuckles.

"I think he is a little nervous too. I think he's more nervous about seeing Karter's uncle than anything else." I answer. "How about you?" I ask Drake.

"The same fears you had earlier, I'm just scared that I'll lose one of you guys. I know anybody could have been hurt in Atlantis but it wasn't as bad as this trip is going to be." He says looking down. He looks back up at me. "Is it bad if I say I'm going to worry about you the most?" He asks making me gasp.

"I uh maybe?" I ask more of a question.

"Well I am worried about you more than anybody. I'm still worried about everyone else, but.. I love you Aria and I don't want to lose you when I just met you. I don't really have anybody besides Mason and his family. My family left around the time I met Mason. They didn't want to be involved with all of.. this anymore." Drake says gesturing to the pictures of magical creatures.

"Oh. I'm sorry Drake. Um.." I say trying to comfort him.

"It doesn't matter anymore. I was around twelve so it was a long time ago. But I don't want to lose you, or anyone else." Drake says. I don't know what to say so I just lean forward and capture Drakes lips with mine in a kiss. A kiss that expresses how much he means to me, how thankful I am of him.

Drake pulls me closer to him by my waist. One of his hands rest on the back of my neck while the other rests on my hip. He smiles against my lips before letting his tongue trace my bottom lip.

I grant him access allowing his tongue to shoot into my mouth exploring my mouth. I moan as his teeth bite lightly on my lip.

Drake pulls away smiling. He rests his forehead on mine.

I bring my eyes up to meet his. "I love you Drake, so much." I say bringing my arms around his neck and pulling him into a tight hug. Drake hugs me back putting his head in my hair, leaving a soft kiss. He pulls away.

"Come on we should head to bed." Drake says pulling me up. I nod.


We head out to our room. Halfway there we are stopped by my dad.

"Oh hey Aria, Drake. You two heading to your rooms?" He asks squinting his eyes at us.

I look to Drake before looking back at my dad. "Uh yeah. To our room." I say smiling.

"Mmhmm. Well don't have too much fun." He says before walking to his room. My eyes widen. I look at Drake who just shrugs and pulls me to, what I'm assuming, his room.

"Come on. He didn't say anything against it." Drake says opening his door. Once in the room he closes the door. He turns around before going to a closet door and grabbing a white shirt. He tosses it to me.

"Here. You can where that if you want." He says before turning around and taking off his shirt and pants so he's standing in just his boxers.

My cheeks heat up as I take of my shirt and pants and putting the shirt on. I slip my bra off tossing it in my pile of clothes. I jump on the bed snuggling into the sheets. Drake chuckles before joining me.

"Goodnight babe." He says kissing my forehead and cuddling into me.

"Night Drake." I answer snuggling into him.

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