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Karter's POV

We sat on the couches discussing a plan.

"We should wait until we know the layout." My dad said.

"Yeah but by Than they'll know we are here." Drake argued.

"We could get Glacier to scope it out, or Sage." I suggest.

"Maybe." My dad shrugged.

"Ok it is almost ten and we should get rest. We can do this in the morning." Aria said standing up.

"Ok." Jackson said. We all stood up and headed for our rooms.

"Come here baby." Mason held out a shirt for me. I accepted it gratefully. I changed not caring that Mason was right there. "No pants tonight?" He raised a brow.

I shook my head. "Too tired." I jumped in the bed. Mason chuckled climbing in next to me.

"Night baby." He wrapped his arms around me.

"Night." I was out.
*next morning*

I woke up to an empty bed. Mason must already be downstairs.

I drag myself out of bed and throw some pants on. I stumble down the stairs rubbing my tired eyes. Mason is waiting for me at the bottom.

"Here baby." He picked me off the third step and snuggled into me. I was in a cuddling mood today and so it seems he is too. He sat on the couch and pulled me to his chest. His arms wrapped around my waist tightly.

"Are they always like this?" I heard Jackson ask.

"Yep." Aria answered popping the p.

"Not true!" I fought back sleepily. I turned my head back into Mason's neck.

"You guys are always near each other!" Aria said.

"Why do you care?" Mason snapped back. Apparently he wasn't in a good mood.

"What's got your panties on a bunch?" Aria asked with a little more attitude than I cared for.

"I'm thinking about how we haven't even started a solid plan." He growled.

"Fine! Let's get started than!" Drake said. I heard everyone sit down on the couches.

"What should our first plan of action be?" My dad asked.

"Well we should still wait a little bit." Drake said.

"I agree." Aria said.

"Ok than we will wait. Than we will have Jackson scope out the area. See how many guards or cameras are posted. Than Drake, Jackson and I can try and get inside, wether it be sneaking or bribing. Chris and Jack will be waiting for them to come out with or without Killian and Brian." Mason finished.

"What about me?" I asked sleepily.

"Your perfect here where they can't get you." He said brushing my hair from my face.

"How do you know it's going to work?" Aria asked.

"I don't." Mason said, "But we have to try."

"If this backfires, it's on you." My dad said. I could tell he was frustrated as well. I guess everyone's stress level is through the roof with everything.

"Ok we need to calm down." Jack said.

"Yeah your right." My dad sighed. He sat down. I heard someone's footsteps come down the stairs. I turned to see Liam. This kid still exists?

"Hey Liam. We've barely seen you." Jack said.

"You are too loud." He rolled his eyes. I smiled to myself knowing what's about to happen. I burriera my face into Mason's chest.

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