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KARTER'S POV (day 6)

I wake up the next morning to loud banging on my door, I quickly get up and answer. I am surprised to find Drake standing there looking like he just ran a marathon.

"Drake? What's wrong." Beads of sweat are dripping from his forehead and I just realized he is only in boxers. "OMG, did you and Aria have sex!?" He gives me an odd look before rapidly shaking his head.

"No, no, no we didn't do.. that. I was trying to find Aria." I tilt my head in confusion. "She's missing." My eyes widen. She's gone. Why didn't we hear her obnoxiously loud screaming or thrashing. OMG did the person drug her?!

With all these thoughts running through my head I forget to change and head downstairs. I almost make it out the door before I remember I'm still in black booty shorts and a tank top. I turn around to run back up but accidentally run into Mason and again the sparks from our contact surprise me.

"Oh hey Mason. No time to talk. Be back in a sec. have to change." I quickly rush back up the stairs and throw on some jean shorts, another blue tank, and converse. I rush back out and run straight back into Mason.

"Ow. Sorry." He chuckles before checking my nose and reassuring me it isn't broken.

"Come on let's go find Aria before Drake has a panic attack because we lost a friend. That's what he said anyway. I think he likes her." He whisper that last part to me. I laugh before following him out the door to where Drake is.

"Drake? You ok?" He sighs but nods.

"Yeah I'm fine. But if we lost her for good that is one team member gone. We kinda needed her." I smirk.

"Or you needed her." He looks at me with widened eyes.

"What!" I shake my head.

"Nothing. Let's go see if the other group knows anything." Mason nods and agrees but Drake doesn't look so sure.

"What if they took her?" I smile.

"Well good think I brought this." I pull out the Gorgon's blood I quickly shoved in my pocket. "We Can give this to them so they understand. If they did take her we can explain why we need her. As far as I know they are just normal teens wanting to get a vacay from their life of parties. Well besides that pilot. I think he's like 21 or something. Either way they have no use for her." They both agree and we head to go other groups beach house. We see them all sitting around a table on the deck. They quickly stand up at the site of us.

"Where the brunette one, Aria I think." The blond says leaning over the railing to talk to us better.

"I don't know. How about you tell us." The whole group gives us confused looks.

"You think we took her. Why would we need her. Y'all are crazy. I want none of that." Mason shakes his head at the boy with babyish features.

"You aren't getting any of it. But we will give you something that will help you believe us." The pilot guy comes down the stairs.

"What is it?" I hand him the tube full of Gorgan's blood.

"Gorgan's blood. It cures any disease or sickness. Also helps to see things that are covered to the normal human eyes. Well this Gorgan blood anyway." His eyes meet mine.

"What do you mean 'this Gorgan's blood?'" He says raising an eyebrow.

"Don't worry about it. Just take a quick little sip and you'll be able to see what we see." He looks at the tube skeptically.

"If this stuff cures any disease why is it not used in hospitals?" Drake chuckles. Mason rolls his eyes.

"It is you moron. Like when those "miracles" happen and the kid is suddenly all better, yeah that's Gorgan's blood. Only the doctors that know about this kind of stuff use it though. If every doctor knew that they were using blood from a creature found only in mythology they would use it for whatever terrible reason they come up with." Mason says rolling his eyes again.

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