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Karter's POV

We followed glacier out to where he found the kitsune. There was a little clearing where a white ball of fur was laying. Red liquid was coming from its side. Glacier ran up to it and nuzzled It's fur. Aria hurried to the kitsune.

"She's bleeding." Aria said. I rushed beside Aria. Sure enough there was a small kitsune. Her tail had a blue tip at the end. Her ears were black and she had red eyebrows.

"Come on let's get her back to the house. I'll make some medicine." I said. Aria carefully picks up the kitsune. She carried it gingerly. When we got to the house Jackson was outside. He raised a brow at the kitsune.

"What is that?" He asked.

"A kitsune. She needs to be treated." Aria said. Jackson stepped aside. He followed us inside and set up a spot on the kitchen island. The rest of the boys rushed into the kitchen.

"What happened?" Drake asked.

"Glacier found her." I said. "Everyone out of the way." I said pushing everyone out of my way as I grab bowls and randoms items from the cupboards.

"Why are we tearing apart the kitchen?" Drake asked.

"I need to make an ointment. This kitsune was cut deep." I take honey out of the fridge as a base. "Someone go find a flower from outside don't care what it is. Is there onions anywhere?" I asked. Suddenly on was sat next to me. "Thanks." I take it and chop it up. I put a few pieces into the bowl. I mix it all together.

When Jackson brings a flower back in I scrap the pollen off of the inside into the bowl. I realize I'm missing something. I look to glacier, maybe I could take some of his dragon blood. Before I can ask him mason already had his finger pricked and ready.

"Oh! Thanks Sin." I let him drop a few drops in the bowl before handing him a napkin. He steps back again. After it's a paste and Aria stitched up the wound, I carefully spread it onto the raw skin. After I'm done I step back and admire the work. Aria and her dad looked at mason for an explanation.

"What?" He asked oblivious. Aria pointed to his finger. "Oh, right. You might want to sit down." He said. Everyone went into the living room. He sat me on his leg as everyone surrounded us. "Well you might be confused why I gave Karter my blood." They nodded. "Don't get upset, but I'm Mason Blackwell." Mason closed his eyes waiting for backlash.

"You-" Aria stood up and looked at Drake. "What about you?" She asked.

"I'm his second." He looked down. Aria scoffed.

"And I'm just now finding out. Did you know." She pointed to me. I nodded. "So everyone but me." She crossed her arms.

"Actually only you and your dad" Mason said. Aria stomped out of the room. Her dad went after her. My dad stood up.

"Well I'm glad you finally came forward and said it. I suspected you were the prince but I was hoping the man my daughter is dating wasn't going to keep it a secret forever." He left to the kitchen. "Um the kitsune opened her eyes!" He yelled. We all rushed into the kitchen. The kitsune was watching us.

Drake reached his hand out to pet it. The kitsune nipped his hand. Drake retracted his hand. "Ow!" He rubbed his hand. But when he looked at his arm a fox mask was inked into his wrist.

"You found your familiar!" I exclaimed. Drake still looked dumbfounded. "I have to go find glacier." I ran out of the room. I found him and Sage outside the door. "I'm sorry you can't come inside." I rub his head. He sniffed my hand before nipping it. "Ow! What the hell glacier." I pull back.

I had to finish the mark.
He said. I gave him a confused look.

"What?" I asked.

He points his nose to my arm. A train of dragon scales wraps around my arm. They disappear up my sleeve. They look like a dragon wrapped around my arm.

"I-" I gasped. "How."

A dragon familiar has two stages to marking. This is the last stage. It will sting tomorrow. The mark goes to your back.
He explained. I traced the mark.

"Thank you." Glacier snorted. He walked away. I smiled. Sage flapped her wings slightly. "Aria is inside. I think she needs comforting." I said. I opened the door and let Sage in. She flew up to Aria's room.

When I stepped into the house a pair of strong arms wrapped around me. A soft kiss was left on my lips. Mason was standing in front of me.

"Hello sweetheart." He smiled.

"Hi." I blushed. He grabbed my arm.

"What's this?" He asked. He traced it up my arm.

"Glacier's familiar mark. This is what it looks like finished." I said. Mason took me up to our room. He lifted my shirt off to see underneath.

"It's beautiful baby. But imagine what you'd look like with my mark as well." He smiled. "You'd be untouchable." He chuckled.

"Your mark?" I asked confused.

"Well it's more like a magic mark. It will give off an aura or smell for all creatures and people that you are not to be messed with. It will be a small tattoo just above your collar bone. You'll get it when you become Queen. Or I decide it's time for you to have it. Plus you'll have a few royal rings." He smirked. He  stood behind me and showed me his hand. "This one shows my princeship." He points to a thick golden crown ring on his right index finger. "This one is for magic." He points to silver ring with sapphires and turquoise dotted around the center. This one is placed on his right middle finger. "This one shows that I belong to my future Queen only." He points to a ring on his left middle finger. The ring is black with blue designs inside the band. "And last one, this one shows that the throne was created from the gods." He shows a black ring with gold lines around the edge. Planets fill in the center. It was placed on his left pinkie finger.

"Their beautiful." I played with each one.

"You'll have matching ones. Plus a wedding ring." He pulls at my left ring finger. He left a kiss on my neck. "I love you." He smiled against my neck.

"I love you too." I smiled. "Now let's go back downstairs and check on the kitsune."

"Ya." He sat on the bed. "But I'm tired." He yawned.

"It's only nine." I pointed to the clock.

"Too late." He lied down and closed his eyes. I laughed and headed out the door.

"Well whenever your ready, come downstairs." I head downstairs. Everyone is sitting on the couches.

"Hey Karter." Aria smiled. I smiled back and sat next to her. "Where is Mason?" She asked. I pointed up the stairs.

"Being stubborn." I said. She rolled her eyes.

"Speak for yourself." Mason's voice came from the top of the stairs.

"Yeah if you were to call anybody stubborn it would be yourself." Aria laughed. I leaned defeated against the couch. Mason rested his elbows on the back of the couch behind me. He left a kiss on my head.

"Ok seriously we need a plan." Jackson said.

"I agree." My dad said.

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