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Karter's POV

I woke up early the next morning. Everything ached and Mason was like a heater next to me. I tried kicking him but he was like a rock. He wouldn't move. I sighed and sat up carefully against the head board. I sat there for a minute before Mason started to wake up.

"Baby?" He said with his raspy morning voice.

"Morning." I said. Mason sat up against the head board next to me and pulled me over on his lap. He rested his head on my shoulder.

"How are you feeling?" He asked. He rubbed soft circles on my stomach.

"Better than yesterday. I'm just glad we can leave. I'm sure Glacier is itching for pets too." I giggled. He probably is worried as well. He could feel my discomfort from our bond and that worries me.

"You know, I'm kinda jealous everyone has a familiar but me." Mason pouted.

"I'm sure you'll get one. You are the prince after all." I patted his hand that was rested on my thigh. "Didn't your parents get one?" I asked.

"Yeah. My dad has an aspidochelone. Which sounds weird since they are ginormous turtle, but he put an enchantment on it so it shrinks with it comes up to land. And my mom has a tiger actually. It's white with blue stripes so I'm sure that is why it's a familiar." Mason explained.

"What kind of familiar do you want?" I asked. It wasn't really something you could choose, but it's nice to think about.

"I don't want to jinx it." He mumbled.

"I don't think that's how that works." I giggled.

"Do you think Glacier will have an avatar?" He asked. I thought about it. An avatar is when a creature has a human form they can shift into. Dragons, unicorns, pegasi, and any strange animal usually have avatars they can shift into.

"Maybe. But the isn't an adult yet so I don't know." I shrugged.

"You should ask him. He's grown twice as big now." Mason said. I forgot about his rapid growing as a dragon.

"Really? I'm sure in a month he'll be a grown dragon." I sighed. Mason hummed in response.

"Do you want help getting ready?" He asked.

"Yeah. I am still sore." I said. Mason nodded and carefully got out from under me. He picked me up and brought me to the bathroom to shower.

After we took a shower and did the rest of a normal morning ritual, we went downstairs to see everyone else.

"Good morning you two." Jackson greets us. He was sitting next to Matt on the couch.

"Morning." I groaned. Mason held my waist to support me.

"How are you feeling Matthew?" Mason asked. I think my pain is unbearable, I can only imagine how much pain Matthew is in.

"Not great. I can barely stand. I'm pretty sure I have permanent body trauma." Matt sighed.

"You are basically a mummy." I giggled. He had bandages covering his chest and left arm. He was wearing shorts so you could see bandages on his thighs and shins and he had scars on his face.

"At least I'm ready for Halloween." He chuckled. Suddenly he sat up. "What day is it?" He asked.

"August 14th. Why?" Jackson asked.

"Shit. Aria's birthday was last week." Matt closed his eyes.

"Yeah. We made some cupcakes. It was a couple days after Karter got kidnapped." Jackson said.

I looked at my hands sadly. I missed it too.

"We can have a proper party when we get home." Jack said walking in the room.

"I feel bad now." I pouted. Mason rubbed my side.

"She doesn't blame you." He said. I nodded.

"Ok well is everyone packed?" Jack asked.

"Yes. Our bags are in our room." Mason said.

"Good. Let's get loaded up. We found a boat from the dark guild." Jack turned and left.

"I'll help Matt." Jackson said. We nodded and headed back upstairs.

After we loaded everyone's bags into the storage compartment in the boat, we loaded everyone else. I finally found Glacier in the forest. He was depressed and did not want to see me. I told him I was ok and it wasn't his fault.

"Drake could you help Matthew?" My dad asked. Drake nodded and helped Matt onto the boat. Matthew and I sat on chairs and watched everyone load up.

"Come on, baby." Mason lifted me from my chair and carried me to the boat. He set me in the cabin on the bench. "How are you feeling?" He asked me. He squatted in front of me. He searched my eyes for something. Maybe signs of discomfort.

"Ok. I feel a little better. I'll definitely feel better when I get home." I yawned. I suddenly felt tired.

"Why don't you rest." Mason pushed me down.

"Ok." I nodded. Mason gave me a small kiss and left to go help everyone else.

I stared at the ceiling of the cabin. I wonder what mom will say when we bring Matthew home. Will she be mad that I was hurt? How will she feel about us bringing Killian with us? And what about Liam? What will we do with him? And what about Bella?

With all these questions running through my head, one thought stood out the most.

This may be the end of this adventure, but I'm sure we will have plenty more to remember. After all, all that is forgotten, is always found.

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