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She agreed. She agreed to become mine officially. I can't wait to see what the future holds for us. I know she's the one. The one that I will love forever until my last dying breathe. She's also the first person besides Drake and Jackson that will know my secret.

"Mason?" She says in her smooth voice that I wish could hear 24/7 repeating my name.

"Yes baby?" I ask rubbing her stomach.

"Are you going back to your preserve after all of this?" She asks sadly. If she thinks I'm leaving her now she is very wrong.

"Karter I'm not leaving you. I stay with you forever." She blushes a beautiful deep blush before smiling trying to hide it. "Don't hide that blush." I say kissing her nose. She scrunches I her nose blushing. Her hair falls in her face so she takes her hand running it through on side of her head and pushing it all to the other side. Something I notice she does a lot and makes her look sexy as hell.

When she moves her hair I smirk at her neck dragging my finger over my little love bite. She scrunches her brows in confusion before her eyes widen.

"You didn't!" She gets off me rushing to the bathroom to check her neck. I hear her huff before coming back out glaring at me.

"Whats wrong baby?" I ask trying not to chuckle at her cuteness.

"You gave me a hickey." She says angry. Not going to lie she looks beautiful from my point of view. Her hair is flipped on the side of her head facing me so I can see her features slightly glowing from the sun out the window.

"It's a love bite baby. It tells people your mine and no one else can love you." I tell her trying to get her to look at me.

"It's still there. Mason my dad is going to be upset. He doesn't even know who you are and you already gave me a hickey." She says very angry now. I know she really isn't angry at me because when she was angry on Atlantis she was scary now she just looks to cute and can't hurt a fly.

"Baby, I'm sure your dad won't try to kill me. As far as he can tell I'm taking care of his little girl and I'm doing a great job." She blushes.

"Yeah." I smile. Suddenly she shoots out of her chair going to the bathroom.

"Baby?" I ask very confused.

"Just have to use the bathroom." She says quickly shutting the door. I wait for her to come out so I can make sure she's ok.

"What's wrong?" She shakes her head ignoring my question. "Baby." She takes two ibuprofen out of her bag swallowing them with her water. I than realize what's wrong. "Aww is my baby on her period?" Karter blushes nodding. "C'mere baby." I pull her onto my lap. I rub her stomach.

"That feels good." She says sighing. I chuckle.

"I hope. Don't want my girlfriend uncomfortable now do I?" She shakes her head blushing. She blushes a lot when she's around me. Which is definitely a good thing because I don't want to see her blush for anyone else. Eventually she falls asleep on my lap even though it's only noon. We still have half a day so I guess it's a good thing.

"Love you baby girl." I say kissing her head.

"Love you too Sin." She mumbles already asleep. Sin? I wouldn't mind her calling me that. It fits me. But only she can call me that.

As Karter sleeps on my lap I continue to watch movies. Glacier comes and joins me and we watch a bunch of movies all in order.

Me and Drake make it to a hotel to spend the night before we go the last three hours. Just as I'm about to close my eyes snuggled into Drake my phone goes off playing my Panic! At the Disco ringtone. I sigh before rolling over and answering.

"Hello?" I ask even though I already know who it is.

"Hi Aria! Just wanted to tell you to stay at the preserve because we will be there about tomorrow night. Also just tell my mom send the Blueprints to the magic counsel with a letter talking about the werewolves."

"Ok Karter. See you then. Hope your doing ok." I hear her sigh. It didn't sound sad though. She sounded happy. Which I'm very glad.

"Yeah I'm good. Anyway love you see you tomorrow."

"Bye Karter love you." I hang up rolling back into Drake falling asleep.

I wake up the next morning to find Drake isn't in bed with me. He comes out of the bathroom a few minutes later dressed and ready.

"It's eight o'clock. I took a shower. I don't know if you want to." I shake my head.

"I think I'm good. Can we stop and eat somewhere before we leave?" I ask grabbing my clothes to change.

"Of course babe. Don't want you going hungry." He says patting my stomach giving me a sweet kiss. I blush.

I quickly grab my clothes rushing into the bathroom to get changed. I put on my red leggings and long tank top getting ready for the last three hours of driving. I step out of the bathroom and put all of my dirty clothes into my suitcase. Drake takes my suitcase alone with his and carries them to the car while I check out of the hotel.

I head out to the car and hop into the drivers seat while Drake isn't looking. When he noticed I'm in the front seat he doesn't seem to happy about it.

"Aria." He says raising his brow.

"Yes Drake?" He chuckles.

"Fine you can drive but if you want to switch just tell me." I nod. He gets in the passenger side and I start driving to where ever I feel like eating.

"Is Culver's ok?" I asks Drake.

"Yeah." I pull into the drive thru and order my buffalo chicken with a cherry Pepsi and applesauce. Drake orders a deluxe cheeseburger and root beer. We get out food and start driving again.

"Hey Drake? What do you think Karter will say about the letter when we see her? What will her out family say? Will her grandparents even let her go? Will my parents le-" I get cut off when a sudden chirp makes me almost scream. Than I remember we left Sage in the back seat because I don't think they'd let a Phoenix into the hotel.

"Sage! Oh my god I forgot you were back there!" I say guilty. "I'm sorry." Sage makes an angry sound before jumping to the front. "I said I was sorry." Suddenly a smooth female voice enters my head.

You forgot me?! Maybe it's because of this boy?

The voice says. I gasp almost veering the car off the road.

"Aria?" Drake asks concerned. I shake my head looking at Sage.

Did you really not realize it. We can talk to each other. I just wasn't old enough. I'm a year old now.

I pull over.

"Aria? Why did you pull over?" I look at Sage.

"Sage is talking to me."

Must you tell him?

Sage says irritated.

"I'm sorry did you not want me to tell him? What was I supposed to say. 'Yeah sorry I had to pull over I'm hearing voices in my head!?'"

Sage chirps. We'll Glacier will be talking to Karter here soon.

My eyes widen. "Really?! That's so exciting!"

"Wait Aria Sage is talking to you in your head?" I nod.

"Yeah! And she said Glacier is almost to that point with Karter!" Drake nods.

"Ok now can we get back on the road because we have two hours to go." I nod remembering I still have to drive. I put the car in drive and continue driving.

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